Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Executive Mayor in Cabinet Resolved to:
2.1 Make the following Experimental Orders (as listed in Annex 2) permanent:
i) THE CROYDON (TRAFFIC MOVEMENT) (NO.22) Experimental ORDER 2023- Brighton Rd cycle scheme changes to bus lane restrictions (Order Ref 2023/40)
ii) The Croydon (Prohibition and Restriction of Stopping, Loading and Waiting) and (Free Parking Places) (No.4) Experimental Order 2023 – Brighton Rd cycle scheme changes to waiting & loading restrictions (Order ref 2023/41)
iii) The Croydon (On-Street Charged-For Parking Places) (No.4) Experimental Order 2023 – Brighton Rd cycle scheme changes to parking bays (Order Ref 2023/42)
2.2 For the reasons set out at paragraph 3.3 agree to the removal of all light segregation (wands and defenders) along the cycle lanes given the issues identified from the technical review as detailed more fully at Appendix 1 annex 2.
2.3 Note that officers will separately be undertaking a review of parking places in roads adjoining Brighton Road and junctions which adjoin the Brighton Road to assess whether additional measures might be required to ease congestion and traffic progression in those roads and through those junctions, following on from concerns raised in relation to the impact of the operation of the various Experimental Orders (listed at 2.1) on adjoining roads and junctions. The review will include making adjustments to existing parking places and introducing new ones, additionally specific junctions have been identified for inclusion in the review. (See Appendix A annex 4 for more details)
2.4 Note that if it is necessary, following this review in 2.3, to seek additional traffic management measures, these will be addressed either under existing delegated authority of the Corporate Director Sustainable Communities, Regeneration and Economic Recovery or brought forward for further consideration by the Executive Mayor or Executive Mayor in Cabinet as appropriate.
Publication date: 16/05/2024
Date of decision: 15/05/2024
Decided at meeting: 15/05/2024 - Cabinet
Effective from: 24/05/2024
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