Decision details

Procurement Award for a Strategic Delivery Partner for Adults Social Care

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Adult Social Care & Health

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The report follows on from an earlier procurement strategy report [previous kdn reference to be inserted] and recommends the award of a  two-phase contract for a strategic deliver partner to support the Adult Social Care and Health Directorate to deliver the transformation and savings required over the next 3 years. The programme of work to be delivered will enhance the pace of delivery within the existing Strategic Managing Demand programme.


The Adult Social Care and Health Directorate will have saving requirements within the new 2024-27 Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) for the Council. The requested procurement of a strategic delivery partner within this report is a core strategy for the directorate to identify and enable evidenced savings to be agreed and delivered; as well as a substantial transformation of the core service model.





Approve the award of a contract called off from the NEPRO single supplier Framework  to Bloom Procurement Services Ltd (Bloom); to a maximum value of £5,000,000.00, to deliver the services of a strategic delivery partner (named in Part B of this report)   following a further competition undertaken by Bloom. The name of the successful provider will be released on the Council’s Contract Register once the decision has been made.


Reasons for the decision:

As set out in part A of report

Alternative options considered:

As set out in part A of report


Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Publication date: 26/01/2024

Date of decision: 25/01/2024

Effective from: 06/02/2024

Accompanying Documents: