Decision details

Education Estates Strategy Report

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Report goes to Cabinet annually.


the Executive Mayor and Cabinet RESOLVED to;


2.1 Early Years:


2.1.2 approve the Childcare Sufficiency Assessment 2024 (attached as Appendix 1) which measures the demand for, and supply of childcare across the borough.


2.1.3 note the childcare reforms and investments announced in the Chancellor’s Autumn budget 2024.


2.1.4 note the update on Croydon’s Maintained Nursery Schools (MNS) following the Executive Mayor’s recommendation that the Governing Body of the Federation of Crosfield and Selhurst Nursery Schools accept and support Croydon’s new operating model for MNS.


2.1.5 approve the change for the delivery of the priorities in Croydon’s Partnership Early Years Strategy in relation to the development of a delivery plan, as reference at paragraphs 4.5 - 4.5.2.


2.2 School Admissions:


2.2.1 note the consultation outcomes for the proposed changes to the 2026/27 admission arrangements for Croydon’s community schools, and proposed reduction of the PAN for Beulah Junior School and Winterbourne Infants School (attached as Appendix 2).


2.2.2 to approve the proposed Admission Arrangements for Croydon’s community schools for the 2026/27 academic year (attached as Appendix 2a).


2.2.3 approve the proposed reduction of the PAN for Beulah Junior School and Winterbourne Infants School from 2026/27 academic year.


2.2.4 approve the continued adoption of the proposed Pan London scheme for co-ordination of admissions to Reception and Junior schools (attached as Appendix 2b); and adoption of the proposed Pan London scheme for co-ordination of admissions to secondary schools (attached as Appendix 2c).


2.3 School Maintenance and Compliance:


2.3.1 approve the proposed Education Capital Budget ( attached as Appendix 3).


2.3.2 approve the proposed Schools’ Maintenance Plan (attach as Appendix 4) with an overall budget cost of £11.318m for 2025/26 and £7.382m for 2026/27.


2.3.3 delegate authority to the Corporate Director – Children, Young People and Education to vary the proposed Schools’ Maintenance Plan to reflect actual prices and new urgent issues that may arise, including authorising spend against the allowance for emergency and reactive works. The Corporate Director, Children, Young People and Education shall report back to the Executive Mayor and Cabinet in respect of any exercise of such authority.

Report author: Denise Bushay

Publication date: 23/01/2025

Date of decision: 22/01/2025

Decided at meeting: 22/01/2025 - Cabinet

Effective from: 31/01/2025

Accompanying Documents: