Decision details

Notice of General Exception - Contract Award Report for Croydon All Age Carers Support Services - Lot 3

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Children, Young People & Education

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The report seeks approval to award a separate contract to the successful bidder to deliver the All Age Carers support service.


·       Lot 3: Young Carers and Young Adult Carers Service


This award is for the provision of support services to young carers and young adult carers over 7 years. A separate evaluation exercise was conducted for Adult Carers, resulting in two separate awards - Lots 1 and 2 being made to the successful bidders.


These providers will deliver services to support Young Carers and Young Adult Carers across the Children, Young People and Education Directorate and Adult Carers across the Adult Social Care and Health Directorate. 



1.    To approve the award of the contract for the provision of Young Carers’ and Young Adult Carers’ Service (Lot 3) to the successful bidder named, for the contract values stated, in PART B of this report.


2.    To note the total contract value across all three lots is £830,642 per annum and the maximum aggregate spend will be £5,827,376 over a 7-year period.


3.    To note in line with the usual practice the identities of successful bidders will be released after the award decision has been made.



Reasons for the decision:

As per Part A & Part B reports.

Alternative options considered:

As per Part A & Part B reports.


Publication date: 24/01/2025

Date of decision: 21/01/2025

Effective from: 01/02/2025

Accompanying Documents: