Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
1.1 This report seeks approval of the procurement strategy for a new contract to support our Direct Payments offer.
1.2 Direct Payments are a national initiative to deliver financial support for individuals to pay for their care and support needs. Designed as an alternative to traditional methods of commissioned support, the facility of a Direct Payment aims to increase choice and control for those requiring care and support received.
1.3 The new contract will replace three existing contracts that provide different elements of the Direct Payment system, with the aim of delivering a simplified process to support increased uptake. The new contract will be in place from 01st April 2025 for the duration of 10 years. All three current contracts are coming to a natural end on the 31st March 2025.
1.4 The new contract will manage the delivery of Direct Payment activity for adults who have an assessed need under the Care Act.
1.5 The report highlights the role of the Direct Payment Steering Group and the workstreams identified to support the delivery of the new Direct Payment system. This includes establishing internal Direct Payment champions and reviewing policies and procedures which will support improving the uptake for Direct Payments.
1.6 The procurement of a new contract seeks to address current gaps in provision and to continually improve on outcomes that have been developed following a consultation with residents in receipt of a Direct Payments and operational staff.
Approve the recommended strategy/route to market (Section 5 of this report) to procure a new Direct Payment contract over a 10-year period, to support our newly developed Direct Payment System with an estimated maximum value of £2,500,000.
As per Part A report.
As per Part A report.
Publication date: 11/10/2024
Date of decision: 10/10/2024
Effective from: 19/10/2024
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