Decision details

Letter of Support Year End Accounts 2023/24 - Brick by Brick Croydon Ltd

Decision Maker: Executive Mayor

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


This report will request the Executive Mayor, in consultation with the Corporate Director of Resources and S151 Officer to enter into a Letter of Comfort to the Directors of Brick by Brick Croydon for a period of 12months from the date of the audit.


For the reasons set out in the report and its appendices, the Executive Mayor RESOLVED to:


2.1       enter into a Letter of Comfort to be provided to Brick-by-Brick Croydon Ltd, exercising the Council’s shareholder function and acting as Lender. A draft letter has been provided in Confidential Appendix A.


2.2       delegate to Corporate Director of Resources to sign the letter on behalf of the Council.


Publication date: 03/02/2025

Date of decision: 03/02/2025

Accompanying Documents: