109 Libraries Service Review PDF 225 KB
Additional documents:
1.1. To note the methodology and activity undertaken to review the library service officer and develop proposals for an alternative model, outlined in Section 4.
1.2. To agree to consult on the proposals for a new library service model, as outlined in Section 6.
1.3. To approve the commencement of formal public consultation on the proposals as outlined in Section 8.
The Executive Mayor introduced the Libraries Service Review report and noted that as part of the transformation programme, the council were reviewing the library service model to offer a broader range of improved services. The proposals would lead to more outreach services and libraries that would open five or six days per week, including Saturdays, offering a much wider range of services. Further the proposals would see a 12-week consultation where partners and residents would be encouraged to have their say on the proposals and share their ideas for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the library service.
The Cabinet Member for Communities and Culture, Councillor Andy Stranack, shared with Cabinet that the proposals recognised that different areas of Croydon had different needs. Noting that less than 10% of residents were active library users, the transformation proposals had the following aims: for more people to use the library services; to improve services to the public with wide range of activities on offer with attractive facilities; and more efficient services to deliver better value, generate more income through events and venue hire and more volunteers; all of which would be delivered through four streams: library hubs, community hubs, enhanced outreach services, and online library.
The Shadow Cabinet Member for Communities and Culture, Councillor Nina Degrads, welcomed the wider formal consultation on the proposal plans and asked a question on whether the council would discreetly collect data on all the reasons why residents go to libraries so the impact on residents for future decisions by the council about the service, would be fully understood.
The Executive Mayor responded that the service could collect such data during the 12-week consultation period. The Cabinet Member for Finance, Councillor Jason Cummings, added that this may also be of interest to the Scrutiny and Overview Committee as they would also be part of the consultation.
The Executive Mayor in Cabinet RESOLVED:
1.1. To note the methodology and activity undertaken to review the library service officer and develop proposals for an alternative model, outlined in Section 4.
1.2. To agree to consult on the proposals for a new library service model, as outlined in Section 6.
1.3. To approve the commencement of formal public consultation on the proposals as outlined in Section 8.