Issue - meetings

TfL LIP 3 Year Plan

Meeting: 20/11/2024 - Cabinet (Item 235)

235 Croydon Local Implementation Plan (LIP) Funding Three Year Delivery Plan (2025/26 to 2027/28) pdf icon PDF 857 KB

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The Executive Mayor and Cabinet, RESOLVED;


2.1 To agree the 2025/26 to 2027/28 (three years) Local Implementation Plan Delivery Plan including programmes and schemes and attached as Appendix B, to be submitted to Transport for London to grant Local Implementation Plan (LIP) funding for 2025/26.


2.2 To agree to delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Sustainable Communities, Regeneration & Economic Recovery (in consultation with the Executive Mayor and the Cabinet Member for Streets and Environment), to finalise and approve the LIP three Year Delivery Plan for 2025/26 to 2027/28 for submission to TfL, making any necessary adjustments to the three year Delivery Plan following TfL’s feedback and prior to final submission by the Council to TfL by 13th February 2025.


2.3 To agree to implement the LIP three year Delivery Plan subject to confirmation of TfL funding being granted.


The Executive Mayor introduced the report advising the plan was presently a bid to Transport for London (TfL) with the outcome to be determined by March 2025.


The plan illustrated a commitment to making Croydon a borough where sustainable and reliable travel, safer streets and healthier lifestyles were the norm. This included the implementation of plans to support the regeneration of the town centre, support for businesses, reduced carbon emissions and improved transport options for residents.


The plan was aligned with the Mayor’s Business Plan and the Mayor of London’s Transport Strategy and would work together with other Council initiatives including the Reconnected Croydon Programme and the emerging Town Centre Regeneration Strategy.


Cabinet Member for Streets and Environment, Councillor Scott Roche advised the submission sought over £23million over 3 years. The program focussed on improving road safety, particularly near schools, improving cycling safety, further development of healthy neighbourhoods such as the Addiscombe East and West healthy neighbourhood and a commitment to town centre transport improvements complementing the levelling up funding for this purpose. Funding commitments from TFL remained uncertain going forward and the Council continued to discuss a longer term funding settlement for Croydon with the Department for Transport and TfL.


Thanks were extended to all those involved in the development of the programme, particularly to residents in Addiscombe East and West for their constructive partnership working.


Shadow Cabinet Member for Streets and Environment, Councillor Christopher Herman asked to what extend the plan was an up-to-date representation of residents wishes and why there had not been a consultation on LIP since 2018.


Director of Planning and Sustainable Regeneration, Heather Cheesbrough responded advising that consultation took place for all LIP schemes. Communities and businesses were engaged to ensure schemes delivered their aspirations and requirements whilst also aligning to TfL's strategic priorities and requirements.


The Executive Mayor and Cabinet, RESOLVED;


2.1 To agree the 2025/26 to 2027/28 (three years) Local Implementation Plan Delivery Plan including programmes and schemes and attached as Appendix B, to be submitted to Transport for London to grant Local Implementation Plan (LIP) funding for 2025/26.


2.2 To agree to delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Sustainable Communities, Regeneration & Economic Recovery (in consultation with the Executive Mayor and the Cabinet Member for Streets and Environment), to finalise and approve the LIP three Year Delivery Plan for 2025/26 to 2027/28 for submission to TfL, making any necessary adjustments to the three year Delivery Plan following TfL’s feedback and prior to final submission by the Council to TfL by 13th February 2025.


2.3 To agree to implement the LIP three year Delivery Plan subject to confirmation of TfL funding being granted.