234 Housing Supply and New Build Framework PDF 154 KB
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The Executive Mayor and Cabinet, RESOLVED to;
2.1 Agree the Housing Supply & New Build Framework (HSNBF) attached as Appendix A and which will be the basis for understanding and evaluating substantial investment in Croydon’s Housing Estates.
2.2 Note, that each new scheme considered for development and investment will be subject to Council decision-making, procurement processes and resident consultation.
The Executive Mayor introduced the report noting the complex housing challenges faced in the borough requiring coordinated action. The framework would work alongside the Council's Housing Strategy, Asset Management Strategy and Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy creating a unified approach to tackling these issues.
Cabinet Member for Homes, Councillor Lynne Hale noted the Council's Housing Strategy sought to increase the number of social rented and affordable homes in the borough whilst also increasing the quality of housing for tenant and leaseholders. Key to this approach was the delivery of new homes.
The purpose of the Housing Supply and New Build Framework was to set out methodology to evaluate, enable and deliver the strategic development of housing supply for Corydon in a transparent way. The two key themes within the Framework were: consultation with estates, residents and communities and transparent decision making in relation to the housing supply pipeline.
It was noted that each new scheme would be subject to Council decision making, procurement processes and resident consultation.
Corporate Director of Housing, Susmita Sen advised the framework provided the foundations for the Council to deliver safe, warm homes and the alignment of the strategies placed Croydon in a proactive position.
Shadow Cabinet Member for Homes, Councillor Reshekaron welcomed the report noting increasing numbers of affordable homes was a priority for residents and the Labour Group's motion regarding this had been successful at Council in April 2024. The regeneration of Regina Road was noted and it was queried what future schemes could be expected via the framework.
The Executive Mayor provided assurance that the Regina Road regeneration was a starting point of improvements.
Corporate Director for Housing, Susmita Sen advised the framework was underpinned by the Council's Asset Management Strategy and the Council was currently collating information regarding its housing stock condition. Once completed this data would inform investment needs and potential regeneration. It was the intention to look at the whole borough, with 60% of stock condition data currently received. The findings of this work would be reported in due course.
The Executive Mayor and Cabinet, RESOLVED to;
2.1 Agree the Housing Supply & New Build Framework (HSNBF) attached as Appendix A and which will be the basis for understanding and evaluating substantial investment in Croydon’s Housing Estates.
2.2 Note, that each new scheme considered for development and investment will be subject to Council decision-making, procurement processes and resident consultation.