Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Katharine Street, Croydon CR0 1NX. View directions
Contact: Tariq Aniemeka-Bailey
020 8726 6000 x64109
No. | Item |
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 84 KB To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 9 March 2023 and Thursday, 6 April 2023 as accurate records. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings held on Thursday, 9 March 2023 and Thursday, 6 April 2023 as accurate records.
Disclosure of Interest Members are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests (DPIs) and other registrable and non-registrable interests they may have in relation to any item(s) of business on today’s agenda. Minutes: There were no disclosures of a pecuniary interest not already registered.
Urgent Business (if any) To receive notice of any business not on the agenda which in the opinion of the Chair, by reason of special circumstances, be considered as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There was none. |
Development presentations PDF 108 KB To receive the following presentations on a proposed development:
Demolition of the existing buildings and erection of 4 buildings of 5-13 storeys to provide a leisure centre, commercial unit, approximately 246 age-restricted and care units (Use Classes C2 and C3) with associated facilities, public square and route through the site, and car park.
Ward: Purley and Woodcote Additional documents: Minutes: Demolition of the existing buildings and erection of 4 buildings of 5-13 storeys to provide a leisure centre, commercial unit, approximately 246 age-restricted and care units (Use Classes C2 and C3) with associated facilities, public square and route through the site, and car park.
Ward: Purley and Woodcote
Nicholas Alston and Tom Banfield attended to give a presentation. They then responded to Members’ questions and the issues raised for further consideration[WT1] .
Councillor Dwesar addressed the Committee with his view on the Pre-Application. The below gives a summary:
Councillor Ben Hassel joined the meeting at 6.40pm
Land Use
Other planning matters PDF 104 KB To consider the accompanying report by the Director of Planning & Strategic Transport:
There are none. Minutes: There were none. |