
Health & Wellbeing Board - Thursday, 11th July, 2024 2.00 pm

Venue: Room 1.01 and 1.02 - Bernard Weatherill House, Mint Walk, Croydon CR0 1EA. View directions

Contact: Klaudia Petecka  Email:

Note: Moved from 19 June 2024 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence from any members of the Committee.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 121 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 16 April 2024 as an accurate record.


Disclosure of Interests

Members are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests (DPIs) and other registrable and non-registrable interests they may have in relation to any item(s) of business on today’s agenda.


Urgent Business (if any)

To receive notice of any business not on the agenda which in the opinion of the Chair, by reason of special circumstances, be considered as a matter of urgency.


Public Questions

Public Questions should be submitted before 12 noon on 28 June 2024 to Any questions should relate to items listed on the agenda. 15 minutes will be allocated at the meeting for all Public Questions that are being considered.


Director of Public Health Annual Report 2023 pdf icon PDF 138 KB

The Director of Public Health (DPH) has a statutory duty to produce an independent annual report to raise awareness of local health issues and health inequalities, and support evidence-based decision making.


The Health and Wellbeing Board is recommended to:

-       Note the contents of DPH’s independent annual report for 2023, including its recommendations.

Additional documents:


Update on Croydon's Joint Strategic Needs Assessment pdf icon PDF 129 KB

The Croydon Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is a collection of information relating to the health and wellbeing needs of our population. This report is an update of content that has been added to the JSNA since the topic last came to the Health & Wellbeing Board in February 2023 and context around development of the JSNA.


For the reasons set out in the report, the Health and Wellbeing Board is recommended:

-       to note the update to JSNA content during 2023-24,

-       to discuss the proposed JSNA direction for 2024/25 in light of the new Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy for 2024-29.


Additional documents:


Better Care Fund Plan 2023-24 Year End and Updated Plan 2024-25 Submissions pdf icon PDF 122 KB

To ensure that both national and local governance is completed correctly, the Health and Wellbeing Board is asked to sign off the Better Care Fund Year End Submission for 23-24 for Croydon to NHS England and asked to review and sign-off the Better Care Fund 23-25 planning submission for Croydon to NHS England.


For the reasons set out in the report and its appendices, the Health and Wellbeing Board is recommended:

-       to sign off the Better Care Fund Year End submission for 2023-24 to NHS England.

-       to sign off the 2024-25 Better Care Fund updated planning submission to NHS England.

Additional documents:


Croydon Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy (2024-2029): progress update and next steps pdf icon PDF 154 KB

The Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) signed off the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JLHWS) for 2024-2029 in April 2024. This report provides updates on the publication and communication plan and plans to mobilise the strategy.


The Health and Wellbeing Board is recommended to:

-       Note the final version of the JLHWS. 

-       Agree on the publication and partnership communication plans for the JLHWS 2024-2029, and if applicable, propose additional areas to promote the strategy.

-       Agree on the next steps on delivering the strategy, including identifying leadership and/or existing groups/boards which are appropriate for the proposed partnership subgroups.


Additional documents:


Update on South West London Integrated Care System Annual Report 2023-24 for Croydon Place pdf icon PDF 125 KB

The South West London Integrated Care System (ICS) produces an Annual Report provides an overview of what the ICB has delivered each financial year and is a statutory requirement by NHS England.


The Health and Wellbeing Board is recommended to:

-       Note the contents of the South West London ICS Annual Report.



Peer Review Challenge

To receive a verbal update on the Peer Review Challenge.


Croydon Health and Wellbeing Board Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 133 KB

This report presents the live forward plan for consideration by the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB), identifying planned meetings and development activities to address board requirements. This plan is a live document, which will be reviewed routinely to ensure the HWB can address its requirements.


The Health and Wellbeing Board is recommended to:

-       Note the forward plan, Appendix I hereto, and identify items for future meetings and development activities so that the board can continue to fulfil its statutory duties and deliver the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JLHWS) for 2024-2029. 



Additional documents:


Exclusion of the Press and Public

The following motion is to be moved and seconded where it is proposed to exclude the press and public from the remainder of a meeting:


“That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information falling within those paragraphs indicated in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended.”