Venue: Room 1.01 Bernard Weatherill House
Contact: Stephanie Abbey - Democratic Services Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence from any members of the Forum. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from:
· Susan Underhill – Age UK · Marcus Boyle – Croydon Living Streets · Susanette Mansour – Croydon Vision · Karen Ip – Age UK · Heather Cheeseborough - Director of Planning & Sustainable Regeneration · Tom Sweeney - Programme Manager · Steven Wojcik - Strategic Transport Programme Manager
Disclosure of Interests Disclosure of Interests Members and co-opted Members of the Council are reminded that, in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct and the statutory provisions of the Localism Act 2011, they are required to consider in advance of each meeting whether they have a disclosable pecuniary interest (DPI), some other registrable interest (ORI) or a non-registrable interest (NRI) in relation to any matter on the agenda. If advice is needed, Members should contact the Monitoring Officer in good time before the meeting. If any Member or co-opted Member of the Council identifies a DPI or ORI which they have not already registered on the Council’s register of interests or which requires updating, they must urgently complete the disclosure form which can be obtained from Democratic Services at any time, copies of which will be available at the meeting for return to the Monitoring Officer. Members and co-opted Members are required in general to disclose any relevant DPIs, ORIs or NRIs at the meeting –
The Chair will invite Members to make their disclosure of interests orally at the meeting and they will also be recorded in the minutes.
Minutes: Councillor Lara Fish declared they were employed by Network Rail.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 30 April 2024 as an accurate record. Additional documents: Minutes: Due to a technical issue with the recording, the previous minutes were noted down as key points.
The members of the forum agreed the minutes of the meeting held on 15 October 2024 as an accurate record.
Welcome and Introductions For attendees to introduce themselves. |
Urgent Business (if any) To receive notice of any business not on the agenda which in the opinion of the Chair, by reason of special circumstances, be considered as a matter of urgency. Minutes: No urgent business |
Making the Forum Effective
Suggestions for making the Forum relevant and useful for all attendees.
Minutes: Councillor Roche discussed plans to agree ongoing solutions to make the forum effective for active, sustainable and accessible transport provision in Croydon. The structure of this item was detailed as follows:
· How the council and their transport partners engage · The role and responsibilities of partners to the forum · Tailored information provided at meetings to specific areas of interest for attendees · Preparation of a forward plan of topics so that the attendees have an overview of the work being carried out by the Council · Suggestions for items for future meetings Councillor Roche invited members of the forum to contribute to this item. Charles King raised several issues with existing bus routes in Croydon and bus shelters. Councillor Roche responded stating that the forum had been created to discuss a wider strategic approach to projects being implemented in Croydon. Charles King suggested that a separate forum was created to discuss bus route issues in the borough, Councillor Roche assured that these issues could be considered in the future.
Transport for London Local Implementation Plan Funding - 3 Year Plan Overview of proposed programmes and projects.
Minutes: This was presented by Dominic Millen Interim Head of Strategic Transport Planning Sustainable Regeneration.
The officer advised that in 2019 the council adopted its local implementation plan which set an overarching framework for transport programmes across the council. To support the delivery of the local implementation plan Transport for London used their funding to provide financial assistance to boroughs across London, this was referred to as LIP funding. The LIP funding worked in three-year circles with annual spending submissions from each borough. The next three-year cycle would start in 2025/26 where boroughs will prepare a 3-year LIP plan. However, there was an exception during Covid-19 pandemic where the cycle went down to three months to meet the immediate needs during the pandemic.
It was advised there were currently:
· 18 healthy school streets and 6 healthy neighbourhoods which have been · Brighton road highway safety · Over 2,900 children and 900 adults have received cycle training · 33 new hangars provided for residents · Reconnected Croydon project The officer noted that funding for LIP came from the central government’s main capital grant rather than their revenue streams, so the grant amount varied from year to year. The officer highlighted new programmes withing the LIP scheme:
· Borough Safter Streets – Value of the scheme is between 0.5 million to 5 million which manages data on historic collisions and future collisions · Better Bus partnerships – Three boroughs a year will be allocated up to 10 million to deliver better bus infrastructure To aid the delivery of these programmes the Council aims to support the Mayor of Croydon’s business plan and the council transformation programme including:
· Further sections of active travel routes · Tackling road safter priority location – (safter streets scheme) · Reducing bus journey times · More funding for Croydon town centre improvement The officer added that identification of areas for intervention were guided by the local and TFL data which highlighted priority areas. The plan for 2025/26 funding included:
· Reconnected Croydon Programme · Healthy neighbourhood and schools – Addiscombe East/West healthy neighbourhood · Active Travel Route extensions – Routes in Croydon that will be brought forward in Croydon · Cycle and Parking Training – Ongoing training for children and adults · Bus Priority – Delivery of Addington village interchange improvement · Safter Streets – New schemes and bringing forward the Portland Road scheme which has been identified as a priority · Better Bus Partnership – Contiuous work to unlock the 10 million pound funding for improvement of bus infrastructure in Croydon
The total estimated funding needed for these projects and schemes was £4,325.000The officer concluded by speaking about next steps which included:
The EQIA and internal Council sign off would go to Council on 20November 2024 This would then be submitted to TFL for comments January 2025 with the final submission in February 2025. Once approval of funding was received in March 2025 work would commence on the programmes and projects.
After the officer’s presentation the forum was open for questions from the attendees. Charles King asked about the possibility of a new ... view the full minutes text for item 27. |
LB Croydon Progress and Forthcoming Schemes PDF 3 MB · Reconnected Croydon (Levelling Up Fund) Programme – Stephen Wojcik · Electric Vehicle Charging Progress and Plan – Dominic Millen
Additional documents: Minutes: Reconnected Croydon Programme
Dominic Millen Interim Head of Strategic Transport Planning Sustainable Regeneration advised the programme would utilise £18.5 million of Government funding, £5.6 million in match from a mix of growth zone and a S106 that would improve connections and the public realm throughout Croydon’s town centre. The aim was to ‘Reconnect, Refresh, Revitalise and Regenerate’ the town centre. The main delivery areas would be:
· East and West Croydon · Wellesley Road · West Croydon and Lond Road · Old Town · North End and South End · Fairfield The officer stated that the programme aimed to improve:
· Making places easier to move through by creating clearer sight lines, widening pavements, Lamp columns and better cycle routes, · Fill empty spaces in important areas (Fairfield civic space project) · Safe and attractive paths for walking and cycling – this will be achieved by filling in subways and providing crossings for better connections within Croydon.
The officer stated that the delivery areas were split into portfolios. There had been significant progress in:
· Programme resources secured – By external technical expertise and information gathering from the public by carrying out surveys · Memorandum of understanding had been submitted to Central government to approve the funding · Detailed designs of the schemes (available in reports pack) · Design modelling and approvals for subway removal and grade crossing for Wellesley Road and the Old Town roundabout. Changes would begin in October 2024.In response to questions about the works that have been put forward for the ILTA remedy payments and work in Surrey Street market and how those projects would run alongside the reconnected Croydon programme. The officer advised that the Council was in communication with spatial planners to guarantee that all projects were delivered as planned.
Councillor Clive Fraser presented a question about connections in Croydon namely St Georges shopping centre being revived and access to Cherry Orchard Road from East Croydon train station. In response the officer stated that the vision for the town centre would work to address movement issues within the area.
Electric Vehicle Charging
This item was presented by Dominic Millen Interim Head of Strategic Transport Planning Sustainable Regeneration who gave an overview of the plan. There would be a focus on where the demand was for charging points and this would also be dependent on funding. Detailed information would be provided in the next meeting.
Network Rail Updates and Opportunities PDF 902 KB Minutes: This item was presented by Paul Donald Business Manager for Network Rail who advised of planned work, potential schemes and the December 2024 timetable changes.
The updates included:
· Track improvements - Windmill bridge Junction · Building Work – Refurbishing the train shed at London Victoria Station and a canopy refurbishment at Streatham Common Station · Signalling – Improvements at Clapham yard and on the Selhurst to East Croydon Route · Signalling improvements – Selhurst to East Croydon · Structural improvements – Sydenham Road underbridge and overbridge repair · E&P – Renewal of DC transformer rectifiers at Sutton · The refurbishment of the canopies at East Croydon Station and Norwood Junction train station · Improvements at Brighton Road underbridge to ensure the electricals in place are robust and fir for purpose. Paul Donald forum on works already delivered successfully by Network Rail which included:
· Track renewal at Crystal Palace junction which was delivered in 10 days · Upgrading of signalling systems which took place over 7 days during the October half term between Crystal Palace, Tulse Hill and Peckham Rye. · Upgrades of the signalling system between East Croydon and London Victoria which saw signal related delays cut by half in 2022
South Croydon train station was nominated by the Department for Transport to be upgraded to provide better accessibility, plans were currently awaiting sign off by Southern Rail after which the plans would be shared with the public. In March 2025 the central government would finalise the funding available for the project.
A question was raised by Councillor Clive Fraser about accessibility issues for disabled passengers from East Croydon Station to Cherry Orchard Road. In response it was advised that an accessible gate would not be costly, however was an issue operationally a member of staff would have to be present 24/7 to help disabled passenger access the gate. If left unmanned, it heightened the likelihood of ticket evasion.
Transport for London Updates and Opportunities Minutes: This item was presented by Rob Varney from Transport for London. It was advised that there had been an increase in the borough funding which has made £150m available for the Healthy Street Fund, this had allowed TFL to create two new schemes borough for safer streets and better bus partnerships.
Six lines on London Overground would be renamed by the end of the year. The new Super loop bus service namely buses SL5 and SL7 which serviced the Croydon area were noted and it was announced that in Spring 2025 the Super loop fleet would be replaced with electric buses.
The forum member mentioned the success of the Super Loop and reported over 3 million users of the service in 2024. The tram fleet procurement would take place in early 2025 with a contract award in 2026. In response to a question about bikes being allowed on the tram it was advised that the policy across all trains, busses and trams allowed foldable bikes due to space and capacity.
Possible Items of Interest for Next Meeting and Next Meeting Date Minutes: · Approach for setting speed limits and possibly inviting the Metropolitan Police to the next meeting. · Cycle parking and training · Electric vehicle charging updates · Cherry orchard accessible gate project · Forward plan to be put together and circulated The next meeting date would be agreed after the meeting.