Agenda item

20/02134/PRE 20-24 Mayday Road, Thornton Heath, CR7 7HL

Demolition of existing commercial (light industrial) buildings. Erection of replacement residential buildings providing (circa) 64 new dwellings with associated amenity space, parking, landscaping.


Ward: West Thornton


Demolition of existing commercial (light industrial) buildings. Erection of replacement residential buildings providing (circa) 64 new dwellings with associated amenity space, parking, landscaping.


Ward: West Thornton


John Cutler and Jeff Field from Strutt & Parker/ BNP Paribas Real Estate, Nick Lawrence from Aitch Group, Rick Bhatia, Alex Whythe and Anthony Kong from Alan Camp Architects, and Tom Marley from Development Intelligence, attended to give a presentation and responded to Members' questions and issues raised for further consideration prior to submission of a planning application.


The main issues raised at this meeting were as follows:

  • Loss of employment on the site – Members requested for clarification that the policy test has been achieved and with previous occupants
  • Ground floor space – Comments made for the ground floor use with commercial and crèche spaces
  • Scale massing – This was well received by Members that it was developing well, though there were concerns on the location and proximity to boundaries at Block B and C, and impact with adjoining occupiers.
  • Courtyard – this arrangement was welcomed by Members. There was encouragement for brick work materials to be reviewed to break up the mass and provide greater interest.
  • Reduction in the number of homes – Comments were made regarding the density of the development and the need to ensure a good quality development
  • Height – Members commented that this needed to be demonstrated with the adjoining occupiers. Several Members stressed the importance of testing the sunlight and daylighting issues and demonstrating that as part of the planning application.
  • Mix – the mix of the family unit was seen positive by Members, though comments were made to ensure that family units could be increased in accordance with policy.
  • Green space – Members encouraged the applicant to review the landscape area and to engage landscape architects to ensure sufficient play space was provided to meet all needs of future occupiers. The landscaping and new trees provision were also welcomed by Members.
  • Roof – there was an encouragement for the flat roofs to be green roofs
  • Liveability of the development – there were questions from Members regarding the number of units proposed in the development and whether this is in line with the PRP comments; further comments of the refuse and how that would fit into the plans, to ensure it worked with the residents and for collection operatives of waste recycling and bulky goods.
  • Affordable Housing – affordable housing was stressed by Members
  • Parking permits – there was support from Members for a car free development providing it was conveyed to future residence in that they would have no access to parking permits.
  • Security issues – Members discussed the security from adjacent uses and the need for lighting and encouraged contact with the secure by design officers.
  • Engagement with residents – this was encouraged by Members before the application was to be submitted.
  • Soundproof – there were questions around the soundproof, though it was confirmed that it did not fall within the planning matters, the developers were encouraged to address with the building regulations to ensure all the necessary standards would be met.


Ward Councillor Stuart King addressed to the committee his local viewpoints of the application.


At 6:55pm Councillor Joy Prince attended the meeting.


The Chair thanked the developers.


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