Agenda item

Housing Improvement Plan and Board

Cabinet Member: Cabinet Member for Homes, Councillor Patricia Hay-Justice

Officer: Interim Executive Director of Housing, Alison Knight

Key decision: no


The Leader of the Council delegated authority to the Cabinet to make the following decisions:




1.            Note the further progress in improving housing conditions at 1-87 Regina Road and further actions in response to the recommendations of the report by ARK, detailed at Appendix 1 of the report.


2.            Note the draft Terms of Reference of the Housing Improvement Board, detailed at Appendix 2 of the report, to be agreed under delegated authority.


3.            Note the approach to development of the emerging improvement plan for the housing service to be put to the Housing Improvement Board for input.



The Cabinet Member for Homes (Councillor Patricia Hay-Justice) introduced the Housing Improvement Plan, which she noted had been designed to provide an update to Cabinet on further progress to resolve problems at 1-87 Regina Road and assist the residents affected. Furthermore the report outlined the actions taken to address the issues identified by an independent assessment carried out by ARK Consultancy (ARK) as requiring an immediate response. The Cabinet Member reminded Cabinet that on 17 May 2021 Cabinet approved an initial action plan for the housing service and agreed to the establishment of an independently-chaired Housing Improvement Board. The Cabinet Member advised that the report asked Cabinet to note the draft terms of reference of the Housing Improvement Board that would oversee implementation of the Housing Improvement Plan and ensure that tenants and leaseholders have a say in shaping the future of the housing service.


It was noted that the report also asked Cabinet to note the approach the Council was taking to develop the emerging Croydon Housing Improvement Plan for the housing service, which built upon the initial Action Plan.


The Leader of the Council questioned if there was any information coming from council residents from the door to door visits which councillors had been undertaking across the borough. The Cabinet Member advised that the Road Shows were underway and that they had been very popular and the community was very engaged. The Interim Executive Director of Housing (Alison Knight) provided further advised that thus far on the whole people were pleased to have been engaged and had asked how they could become a part of the resident panels or as part of the Housing Improvement Plan. Members were advised that ward councillors would be informed of any particular issues, as they arose.


The Cabinet Member for Families, Health & Social Care (Councillor Janet Campbell) queried what type of engagement opportunities had been provided to the residents of Regina Road and what type of feedback had been provided. The Cabinet Member for Homes clarified that types of engagement had ranged from virtual meetings, direct contact via written letters to individuals, door knocking by tenancy officers and other officers and councillors, as well as information provided via community notice boards. Thus far residents had been pleased by the level of engagement and continued to be interested in the next steps. The Cabinet Member further advised that the Leader of the Council would also be engaging with Regina Road residents via a meeting in August 2021.


Councillor Leila Ben-Hassel thanked officers and the Cabinet Member for engaging with the Streets, Environment & Homes Scrutiny Sub-Committee which welcomed the update on the Housing Improvement Plan and were assured that the emerging plan was on the right track, noting that progress had been impeded by the council’s restructure. The Councillor noted that the plan provided lines of accountability that would underpin the Improvement Plan moving forward. The Sub-Committee also noted that there were concerns around resourcing of the casework for officers and recommended a diagram be produced to map out the communication routes of casework, enquiries, complaints and the escalation process for councillors and MPs should be included.  It was noted that the Sub-Committee also welcomed greater collaboration with the Tenants and Leaseholder Panel meetings moving forward. Councillor Ben-Hassel concluded by noting that an Engagement Plan had been requested for the whole of the Borough.


Councillor Clive Fraser welcomed the progress that had been made, but noted that there was quite a way to go before the tenant aspirations were met. The Councillor noted that he felt that the culture needed to change and that repairs needed to be made in a more timely fashion. The Councillor noted that a Stock Conditions Survey would take place and was positive that this would provide clarity about the next steps. The Cabinet Member was thanked for visiting Regina Road in person, noting the importance of this visit to the residents. The Cabinet Member acknowledged all of the comments made and reiterated the council’s commitment to the residents of Regina Road. The Cabinet Member also noted that since April 2021 there had been 2,500 repairs made across the borough, and was confident that this number would continue to rise.


Councillor Sean Fitzsimons stated that he looked forward to the formal responses being provided to Cabinet in relation to the Streets, Environment & Homes Scrutiny Sub-Committee’s recommendations. Additionally, the Councillor noted the importance of clause 9.6 and 9.7 of the Housing Improvement Plan, referencing 9.6 the Councillor read “The plan will include a review of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA). The options to best meet the needs of council tenants and to manage and maintain the HRA stock should be considered as plans are developed.” Councillor Fitzsimons also approved of the inclusion of considering value for money in relation to building works and maintenance. Regarding clause 9.7 reference to “a 30-year business plan” the Councillor requested further information on what was happening with the business plan, noting its importance to long-term budgeting. The Cabinet Member confirmed that there would be a 30 year business plan and it was due to be provided to Cabinet in September 2021.  The Councillor reiterated that the Business Plan and Review of the HRA (Housing Revenue Account) needed to be scrutinised. In response, the Cabinet Member committed that a discussion would be held with the Chair of the Streets, Environment and Homes Scrutiny Sub-Committee regarding future scrutiny.


The Shadow Cabinet Member for Homes (Councillor Lyne Hale) welcomed the proposals set out in the paper, but noted concerns around whether the Housing Improvement Board would be able to comment on whether the council was meeting the objectives set out in the Housing Improvement Plan. The Shadow Cabinet Member questioned what data would be used, and what assurances would be provided in terms of the quality of the data, to ensure the council was held accountable. Furthermore, the Shadow Cabinet Member noted that she had recently requested the data that supported the Housing Self-Assessment but that she had been informed that it could not be provided. Given this situation, the Shadow Cabinet member queried when Cabinet would be provided with intelligence and data that would accurately inform decision making.


The Shadow Cabinet Member also noted that whilst the tenants as Regina Road required attention, there were hundreds of other tenants and leaseholders across the borough who also required a suitable housing service. The Leader and the Cabinet Member confirmed that the Housing Improvement Plan focused on an improved data set. The Interim Executive Director further clarified that work continued to ensure that the correct KPIs were utilised within the Croydon Renewal Plan and the Croydon Performance Indicators. This included, but was not limited to, using tenant satisfaction surveys and comparative data from other councils. The Interim Executive Director advised that those improved data sets, alongside key milestones would be used to report to the Housing Improvement Board.


The Leader of the Council delegated authority to the Cabinet to make the following decisions:




1.               Note the further progress in improving housing conditions at 1-87 Regina Road and further actions in response to the recommendations of the report by ARK, detailed at Appendix 1 of the report.


2.               Note the draft Terms of Reference of the Housing Improvement Board, detailed at Appendix 2 of the report, to be agreed under delegated authority.


3.               Note the approach to development of the emerging improvement plan for the housing service to be put to the Housing Improvement Board for input.


Supporting documents: