Agenda item

21/02453/PRE 121 Canterbury Road, Croydon, CR0 3HH

Demolition of buildings and erection of a building with heights ranging between four and eight storeys to provide 93 residential units. Associated parking and landscaping, along with a public footway/cycle route through the site.


Ward: Broad Green


Demolition of buildings and erection of a building with heights ranging between four and eight storeys to provide 93 residential units. Associated parking and landscaping, along with a public footway/cycle route through the site.


Ward: Broad Green


Clara Blagden from Iceni Projects (Planning Consultant), Nick Lawrence from Aitch Group (Applicant), Chris Levett from DLA Architecture (Architect), Oliver Mckay from Studio Bosk (Landscape Architect), Ian McKenna from Hollis (Daylight/Sunlight Consultant) and Lucy Williams from Iceni Projects (Townscape) all attended to give a presentation and respond to Members' questions and issues raised for further consideration prior to submission of a planning application.


The main issues raised at this meeting were as follows:


Residential redevelopment of site – Members addressed the importance of making the most of sites was noted though developments needed to be responsive to context and of a certain quality, although the improvements over the existing building were noted.


Height – There was a mixed response from Members to the massing of the scheme; some members suggested that 8 storeys was too high, with the massing at the front being prominent and would be the tallest building in the area. Some Members suggested that the massing was acceptable given corner and gateway of the site. The improvements since the Place Review Panel comments were noted. Further analysis or justification could be helpful as some Members suggested that the massing could be acceptable if there was a high quality design and appearance, and delivered good levels of affordable housing and cycling and pedestrian improvements.


Design – The Committee suggested that the architectural design and integration of different parts of the buildings could be further developed and could match the quality of a gateway site and should add to the local area with further work suggested especially around materiality, street level and detail.

§  Active frontages needed to be carefully considered and other uses such as a café, health centre or other active uses were suggested. The community use rooms welcomed by Members.

§  The scheme should provide for fully accessible units and meet the London Plan standards in this respect.

§  There was a discussion around how balconies and winter gardens would work in practice, especially in terms of maintenance.

§  The security and the importance of defensible space was highlighted by Members specifically at ground floor level and also the security of the deck access areas.

§  The importance of biodiversity and having a good urban greening factor as possible being achieved was discussed.

§  Members suggested that it was important to ensure cycle storage was at sufficient numbers and appropriately designed; as well as the importance of meeting air quality standards which was highlighted given the site's context, and electric vehicle charging points should also be provided including for disabled bays.



Affordable housing provision – The delivery of affordable housing was noted to be of significant importance and should meet policy requirements of at least 30% (60:40 split) as a minimum and should deliver true social rent levels. Also the importance of having a registered provider on board at this stage reinforced to ensure needs were met and further design changes were not needed.


Cycle – Cycle and pedestrian route was generally welcomed by Members and the segregated design was considered appropriate, though further work suggested around the integration of this route into the wider network and future improvements in the local area and to clarify maintenance proposals. Additionally, the Lombard roundabout improvements for cycling/pedestrian users was advocated for, especially given heavy use with three local schools and significant development in the immediate area. A proposal for a "Cambridge style" roundabout was discussed although it was noted this would require TfL approval given the status of the road network.


Other – Members addressed the importance of consultation with local residents, businesses and community groups and to engage as helpfully as responsible to generate a community response to the emerging design.


Ward Councillor Stuart King addressed to the Committee his local viewpoints of the application.


The presentation was welcomed with the opportunity to provide feedback which was helpful by Members and it was welcomed that the scheme would be encouraged to come forward, responding to the issues raised.


The Chair thanked the developers for their presentation.

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