Cabinet Member: Cabinet Member for Culture & Regeneration, Councillor Oliver Lewis
Officer: Interim Executive Director Place, Sarah Hayward
Key decision: no
Reason for late dispatch: The second phase of the libraries consultation concluded on the 26th June. Additional time was required to allow for consultations responses to be summarised and analysis undertaken.
The Leader of the Council delegated authority to the Cabinet to make the following decisions:
1 Consider the outcome of the consultation for second phase and the considerations arising from the consultation as detailed within the report and appendices to the report including in relation to the Public Sector Equality Duty, the Equality Assessment and the recommended option following consultation;
2 Consider the assessment regarding delivery of a statutory Library Service in accordance with the requirements of Section 7 of the Libraries and Museums Act 1964 if option one is recommended to Full Council for approval;
3 Agree to recommend to Full Council that it:
3.1 Consider the outcome of the consultation and the consultation responses as set out in Appendix 1 and the assessment of those responses.
3.2 Consider the equalities assessment at Appendix 2 and the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) requirements under Section 149 of the Equalities Act 2010 as detailed in paragraph 10;
3.3 Consider the assessment regarding the Council’s ability to deliver a statutory library service in accordance with the requirements of Section 7 of the Libraries and Museums Act 1964 if the recommended option is agreed;
3.4 Having due regard to the contents of Appendices 1 and 2 and the assessment referenced in 1.3.3, agree that it implement changes to the statutory Library service by reducing hours by an average of 21% across the borough as detailed in paragraphs 3.13 achieving £506,980 of savings.
4. Note that a delegation will be sought from Full Council regarding the implementation of the recommended option and further engagement with service users of the boroughs’ 13 Libraries regarding the implementation at individual sites.
5. Note the intention for officers to commence further work to assess income generating opportunities and efficiencies within the Libraries service as detailed in paragraphs 5.4 of the report.
The Leader of the Council (Councillor Hamida Ali) advised Members that the report had been published following the statutory deadline (on 10 August 2021) as the council wanted to ensure that residents had time to respond to the consultation and for those responses to be properly considered in the report.
The Cabinet Member for Culture & Regeneration (Councillor Oliver Lewis) began by thanking officers for their work in ensuring the results of an extensive consultation were reported to Cabinet. It was noted that the report set out the plans for the future of the library service which had been consulted on widely with residents across the borough. The Cabinet Member stated that no libraries would close as the Administration recognised the importance of the service to residents and communities.
Members were informed that over 1,400 responses had been received during the second phase of the consultation, in addition to the 2,500 responses received during the first phase. Responses had shown that residents did not want libraries to close, nor for the service to be outsourced as had been previously done. It was stated by the Cabinet Member that the libraries would remain open and run by the council with revised opening hours, and that the council would look to continue to deliver a high quality and engaging service.
The Cabinet Member for Resources & Financial Governance (Councillor Callton Young) reflected that libraries were incredibly important and stated that he was pleased that the council had found a way to keep the libraries open. It was noted that there were 15 full time positions in the service, however five of those positions were vacant. In terms of the remaining positions, the Cabinet Member sought confirmation that the council would work with the unions. In response, the Cabinet Member for Culture & Regeneration confirmed that the council had engaged with the unions throughout the process.
It was noted by the Shadow Cabinet Member for Culture & Regeneration (Councillor Jeet Bains) that the report referred to £0.5 million of savings would be achieved through the proposed changes to the library service, but queried what the cost would be to young people’s education and residents. The Cabinet Member, in response, stated that it was important that the council lived within its means which had meant that savings had been sought across the council; including the library service. It was stressed by the Cabinet Member that the council wanted to work with communities and the voluntary sector to ensure creative use of the library spaces.
The Leader of the Opposition (Councillor Jason Perry) stated that Cabinet Members should not be congratulating the fact that libraries would not close under the proposed plans, but should be apologising to residents as all libraries would be impacted by the proposals. In response, the Leader of the Council noted that the Opposition had been calling on the council to live within its means which it was seeking to achieve. Furthermore, it was suggested by the Leader that the Government should apologise for the cuts it had imposed which had impacted the council’s ability to deliver such services. The Leader noted that communities wanted to work with the council to make use of the service and facilities available.
The Cabinet Member for Culture & Regeneration further highlighted that library services nationally had been impacted by austerity, with a number being closed. It was stressed that the council had worked hard to maintain all libraries and had worked with communities to ensure they were involved in the decision making process. Furthermore, it was stated that the council hoped to continue to work with communities to ensure an engaging service was provided.
The Leader of the Council delegated authority to the Cabinet to make the following decisions:
1 Consider the outcome of the consultation for second phase and the considerations arising from the consultation as detailed within the report and appendices to the report including in relation to the Public Sector Equality Duty, the Equality Assessment and the recommended option following consultation;
2 Consider the assessment regarding delivery of a statutory Library Service in accordance with the requirements of Section 7 of the Libraries and Museums Act 1964 if option one is recommended to Full Council for approval;
3 Agree to recommend to Full Council that it:
3.1 Consider the outcome of the consultation and the consultation responses as set out in Appendix 1 and the assessment of those responses.
3.2 Consider the equalities assessment at Appendix 2 and the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) requirements under Section 149 of the Equalities Act 2010 as detailed in paragraph 10;
3.3 Consider the assessment regarding the Council’s ability to deliver a statutory library service in accordance with the requirements of Section 7 of the Libraries and Museums Act 1964 if the recommended option is agreed;
3.4 Having due regard to the contents of Appendices 1 and 2 and the assessment referenced in 1.3.3, agree that it implement changes to the statutory Library service by reducing hours by an average of 21% across the borough as detailed in paragraphs 3.13 achieving £506,980 of savings.
4. Note that a delegation will be sought from Full Council regarding the implementation of the recommended option and further engagement with service users of the boroughs’ 13 Libraries regarding the implementation at individual sites.
5. Note the intention for officers to commence further work to assess income generating opportunities and efficiencies within the Libraries service as detailed in paragraphs 5.4 of the report.
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