This report asks the Committee to recommend to the Council changes to the Constitution which are necessary for the implementation of the mayoral model of governance. The report also includes other constitutional changes to improve the Council’s governance, which have been recommended by the Constitution Working Group. Whilst additional changes have been recommended, a complete review and update of all parts of the Constitution has not been conducted.
At this point in the proceedings and in line with the Council’s Constitution, the Vice-Chair Councillor Karen Jewitt took the Chair for the following General Purposes Items.
The Committee received a report asking it to recommend to the Council changes to the Constitution which were necessary for the implementation of the Mayoral Model of governance in Croydon following the May 2022 Local Elections.
John Jones, Monitoring Officer introduced the report.
1. The changes to the Constitution, as detailed in Section 2 and set out more fully in Appendix 1 of the report, be approved and that:
The following changes be implemented with immediate
- Section 4.22 (Emergency or Extreme Urgency) to Part 3 –
Responsibility for Functions; and
- Part 4I – Tender and Contract Regulations
(ii) All other changes be implemented with effect from 00.01 hours on the third day after the day of declaration of the results of the poll at the first election of the Mayor.
Supporting documents: