Agenda item

23/03910/HSE - 30a Gibson’s Hill, Norbury, SW16 3JP

Erection of single storey rear extension, alterations to the main roof, installation of roof windows and associated alterations (retrospective).


Ward: Norbury Park

Recommendation: Grant permission


Erection of single storey rear extension, alterations to the main roof, installation of roof windows and associated alterations (retrospective).


Ward: Norbury Park


The officer presented details of the planning application and in response to members’ questions explained that:


  • The original planning permission for the dwelling and garage included the access road, so there was extant planning permission for the use of the access road and the land at the front of the site for vehicles. 
  • As the application solely related to alterations to the dwelling, it would be unreasonable to add a condition for the implementation of a bollard to ensure that the development would be car free.
  • The access road was 3.2 metres wide, but the use of the access road had been compromised by the existing foliage which had narrowed the pathway; however, the foliage could be cut back to ensure that the access road remained 3.2 metres wide.
  • The access road was 33 metres in length. The area in front of the dwelling was 6.9 metres wide and 28 metres in length. The area to the southeast of the site (the side elevation of the dwelling) was 6 metres wide and just over 11 metres deep so there was enough space for vehicles to turn, however, only a small vehicle could gain access due to the narrow width of the access road.
  • The current application dealt solely with the land on the southwest of the site, the land to the northeast of the site had been sold off to a third party. The garage lay outside of the area which was being considered in the application. There had been an application in 1989 for a side extension to the main dwelling which had been approved an implemented. Officers did not have any further details between 1989 and the present day on how the site had been used.
  • As the site had been granted consent for vehicles to use the access road in 1957, it would be unreasonable for officers to try and prevent this.
  • There was a plan to use the access road for refuse storage on bin collection days. The refuse would be removed from the access road and taken back to the main dwelling once the collection had taken place. 


Paul Wright spoke in objection to the application, Zaheer Varyawa and Razin Omar spoke in support of the meeting. After the speakers had finished, the sub-committee began the deliberation, during which they raised the following points:


  • The development was not unduly visible from the road.
  • The increase in height of the proposed development was minimal.
  • There were concerns regarding the access road, however, following advice from officers it was understood that this could not be considered as a reason for refusal.
  • The were concerns that there were no lights proposed for the access road.
  • There were no proposals on how the foliage would be managed along the access road.
  • The proposal to leave the refuse bins in the middle of the access road for collection was not considered practical.
  • The lack of clarity around the removal of trees from the site was considered to be an issue.


The substantive motion to GRANT the application based on the officer’s recommendation was proposed by Councillor Parker. This was seconded by Councillor Fish.


The motion to grant the application was taken to a vote and carried with five Members voting in favour and one Member voting against.


The Committee RESOLVED to GRANT the application for the development at 30a Gibson’s Hill, Norbury, SW16 3JP.


Supporting documents: