To approve the proposed changes to the Constitution relating to:
a) Corporate Parenting Panel
b) Health and Wellbeing Board
c) Tenders and Contract Regulations
It was moved by Councillor Sean Fitzsimmons, the Chair of the General Purposes Committee who thanked Members from all the political groups at the Constitution Working Group for their hard work towards the proposals in the reports. This was seconded by Councillor Luke Shortland and for the reasons set out in the reports and appendices, Council RESOLVED to:
1. Approve the proposed changes to the Constitution as set out in the respective reports and appendices attached to the report to Council and as recommended by the General Purposes Committee;
2. Authorise the Monitoring Officer to update the Constitution and make any consequential changes;
3. Note that further changes will be made to the TCR’s when regulations under the Procurement Act 2023 are finalised and the new procurement regime is fully in force; and
4. Note those changes to the TCR’s which are executive functions of the Council.
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