This report presents to the Board a draft Business Plan for the Fund for financial years 2024/25 to 2026/27 attached as Appendix A. It invites their comments and requests their agreement to the Plan.
The Pension Fund Investment Manager introduced the report and explained that the report was relevant to the Board and Committee and covers information about the investment duties of the Fund. He stated that the report was yet to be presented to the Committee.
The Pension Fund Investment Manager explained that the government had issued a statement which outlined the desire for pension funds to move their investments into their local pools by the 31 March 2025, which would be a difficult deadline for the Fund to meet.
The Pension Fund Investment Manager stated that the Fund was committed to having and implementing a good training policy. The Pension Fund Investment Manager explained that the Fund had around 15 fund managers which was considered a lot for a fund of this size, and the Fund had various investments in the key areas specified in the governments statement, namely 5% in levelling up in the UK and 10% in private equity; the Fund was close to achieving these figures and had been committed to this strategy for a long time.
The Pension Fund Investment Manager informed the Board that there would be a governance review conducted by AON in the year 2024/25.
The Pension Fund Investment Manager stated that the Fund was approaching £2 billion and was over 100% funded.
The Pension Fund Investment Manager explained that officers believed the Fund would remain in surplus for several years and would not become a mature Fund due to the fund’s investment policies, which would allow the Fund to have a net income over the period of 2024-27. The Pension Fund Investment Manager informed the Board that the Scheme Advisory Board (SAB) good governance review and the new pension regulators code of good practice would provide officers with direction on how to manage the Fund.
In response to a question from a member, officers informed the Board that:
The Board asked officers to review the June 2024 deadline that they had set for the EDI policy statement to be drafted.
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