This report presents to the Committee a draft Business Plan for the Fund for financial years 2024/25 to 2026/27 attached as Appendix A. It invites their comments and requests their agreement to the Plan.
The Head of Pensions and Treasury introduced the item and explained that the business plan 2024-27 was taken to the April pension board meeting for comment and they agreed for the business plan to be presented to the Committee.
The Head of Pensions and Treasury informed the committee that the business plan contained a review of what the Pensions team had achieved over the past year, the introduction of the conflict-of-interest policy, responsible investment policy and the cyber security strategy were the highlights of the previous year. The Head of Pensions and Treasury explained that the key items which needed to be covered during the current municipal year were the transfer of assets to the London CIV, more training for Members of the committee and board, cyber security, bringing the accounts and annual reports up to date, Mc cloud remedy, pensions dashboard, compliance with the Pension Regulator Code and resourcing for the department at the council.
In response to questions from Members officers informed the Committee that:
Peter Howard commended officers on the increase in the value of the Pension Fund over the past year.
Councillor Hopley congratulated officers and believed that a lot of ground work had been completed with the policies and processes that had been implemented.
Councillor Brew congratulated the entire pension team on their hard work and for the performance of the Fund over the past year. Councillor Brew also noted that continuity would be important moving forward as Members had been used to working together and already had an understanding of the pensions service.
Councillor Fraser thanked all the officers who had worked on the business plan and believed that the Fund was in a better place financially and the Fund’s governance had also improved. Councillor Fraser acknowledged that the work done by the Committee was just the tip of the iceberg and there was a vast amount of work carried out by officers behind the scenes.
Councillor Hay-Justice asked for the investigation into the risk factors to the pension fund were documented for future reference.
1.1 To comment on and agree to the recommended Medium Term Business Plan 2024/27.
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