Agenda item

Report on Nine Experimental Traffic Management Orders to support Healthy School Streets Schemes (Group 3)


Cabinet RESOLVED to:



2.1       To make the following eight experimental traffic orders, which form the healthy school streets schemes detailed within this report, permanent: 



Affected road(s) 


ETMO Cited As 


Howard Primary School 

a.      .Dering Place; 

b.      Barham Road 

a.  Entire length 

b.  Entire length 

The Croydon (Traffic Movement) (No.1) Experimental Order 2023 


South Norwood Primary School 

a.        Birchanger Road; 

b.        Crowther Road; 

c.         Gresham Road 

a.  Between Carmichael Road and Merton Road 

b.  Between Balfour Road and Stanger Road 

c.  Entire length 

The Croydon (Traffic Movement) (No.2) Experimental Order 2023 


Gonville Academy 

Gonville Road 

Between Limpsfield Avenue and Gonville Academy 

The Croydon (Traffic Movement) (No.3) Experimental Order 2023 


The Crescent Primary School and The BRIT School 

a.        The Crescent 

b.        Saracen Close 

a.  Entire length 

b.  Entire length 

The Croydon (Traffic Movement) (No.4) Experimental Order 2023 


St Cyprians Greek Orthodox Primary School 

a.        Ingram Road 

b.        Springfield Road 

a.  Between Carolina Road and Springfield Road 

b.  Between Carolina Road and Springfield Road 

The Croydon (Traffic Movement) (No.5) Experimental Order 2023 


Good Shepherd Catholic School 

a.        Dunley Drive 

b.        Walker Close 

a.  Between Leigh Crescent and Chesney Crescent 

b.  Entire length 

The Croydon (Traffic Movement) (No.6) Experimental Order 2023 


Kenley Primary School 

a.        New Barn Lane 

b.        Mosslea Road 

a.  Between Beverley Road and the railway line 

b.  Between New Barn Lane and Hillcrest Road 

The Croydon (Traffic Movement) (No.8) Experimental Order 2023 


Oasis Shirley Park 

a.        Stroud Green Way 

b.        Swinburne Crescent 

a.  Between north-eastern boundary of Oasis Academy, Shirley Park and Coleridge Road 

b.  Entire length 

The Croydon (Traffic Movement) (No.9) Experimental Order 2023 



2.2       To withdraw The Croydon (Traffic Movement) (No.7) Experimental Order 2023 effective as of 23 July 2024 in respect of the Park Hill Junior & Infant School Street in Stanhope Road, The Avenue, Cotelands, Crusader Gardens and Pageant Walk, and not to proceed to make it permanent; and to authorise the Corporate Director of Sustainable Communities, Regeneration and Economic Recovery to take steps necessary to publicise this withdrawal and remove any associated signage and other measures in place as a result of the experimental order. 


2.3       Subject to approval of recommendation 2.1 above, to delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Sustainable Communities, Regeneration and Economic Recovery to undertake all measures necessary to make the eight experimental orders permanent Traffic Management Orders, including pursuant to the statutory requirements of the Road Traffic Management Act 1984 and Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996 and make arrangements for the enforcement thereof. 


The Executive Mayor introduced the report on Nine Experimental Traffic Management Orders to support Healthy School Streets.


Cabinet Member for Homes, Councillor Scott Roache presented Cabinet

with feedback from the statutory consultation, the outcome of which has led to eight of the experimental traffic orders, which form the healthy school streets schemes being made permanent. The Croydon (Traffic Movement) (No.7) Experimental Order 2023 in respect of the Park Hill Junior & Infant School Street in Stanhope Road, The Avenue, Cotelands, Crusader Gardens and Pageant Walk has been withdrawn due to a number of objections and dissatisfaction of the scheme.


The Shadow Cabinet Member for Streets and Environment, Councillor Christopher Herman enquired how charges on those who are exempt can be avoided once the schemes are made permanent?


The Corporate Director for Sustainable Communities, Regeneration & Economic Recovery, Nick Hibberd acknowledged that  initially there were issues with the portal, however the problem has now been resolved and the software has been fixed. Cabinet






2.1       To make the following eight experimental traffic orders, which form the healthy school streets schemes detailed within this report, permanent: 



Affected road(s) 


ETMO Cited As 


Howard Primary School 

a.         Dering Place; 

b.         Barham Road 

a.       Entire length 

b.       Entire length 

The Croydon (Traffic Movement) (No.1) Experimental Order 2023 


South Norwood Primary School 

a.        Birchanger Road; 

b.        Crowther Road; 

c.         Gresham Road 

a.    Between Carmichael Road and Merton Road 

b.    Between Balfour Road and Stanger Road 

c.     Entire length 

The Croydon (Traffic Movement) (No.2) Experimental Order 2023 


Gonville Academy 

Gonville Road 

Between Limpsfield Avenue and Gonville Academy 

The Croydon (Traffic Movement) (No.3) Experimental Order 2023 


The Crescent Primary School and The BRIT School 

a.        The Crescent 

b.        Saracen Close 

a.       Entire length 

b.       Entire length 

The Croydon (Traffic Movement) (No.4) Experimental Order 2023 


St Cyprians Greek Orthodox Primary School 

a.        Ingram Road 

b.        Springfield Road 

a.    Between Carolina Road and Springfield Road 

b.    Between Carolina Road and Springfield Road 

The Croydon (Traffic Movement) (No.5) Experimental Order 2023 


Good Shepherd Catholic School 

a.        Dunley Drive 

b.        Walker Close 

a.    Between Leigh Crescent and Chesney Crescent 

b.    Entire length 

The Croydon (Traffic Movement) (No.6) Experimental Order 2023 


Kenley Primary School 

a.        New Barn Lane 

b.        Mosslea Road 

a.    Between Beverley Road and the railway line 

b.    Between New Barn Lane and Hillcrest Road 

The Croydon (Traffic Movement) (No.8) Experimental Order 2023 


Oasis Shirley Park 

a.     Stroud Green Way 

b.     Swinburne Crescent 

a.    Between north-eastern boundary of Oasis Academy, Shirley Park and Coleridge Road 

b.    Entire length 

The Croydon (Traffic Movement) (No.9) Experimental Order 2023 



2.2       To withdraw The Croydon (Traffic Movement) (No.7) Experimental Order 2023 effective as of 23 July 2024 in respect of the Park Hill Junior & Infant School Street in Stanhope Road, The Avenue, Cotelands, Crusader Gardens and Pageant Walk, and not to proceed to make it permanent; and to authorise the Corporate Director of Sustainable Communities, Regeneration and Economic Recovery to take steps necessary to publicise this withdrawal and remove any associated signage and other measures in place as a result of the experimental order. 


2.3       Subject to approval of recommendation 2.1 above, to delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Sustainable Communities, Regeneration and Economic Recovery to undertake all measures necessary to make the eight experimental orders permanent Traffic Management Orders, including pursuant to the statutory requirements of the Road Traffic Management Act 1984 and Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996 and make arrangements for the enforcement thereof. 

Supporting documents: