Agenda item

Housing Resident Engagement Strategy for Croydon 2024-29


Cabinet RESOLVED to:


2.1    Consider the feedback received via the engagement and consultation process as detailed in Appendix 2.


2.2    Consider the feedback received from the Homes Scrutiny Committee held on 23rd October 2023 and feedback from the Homes Scrutiny Committee held on 9th July 2024 and executive response (Appendix 5). 


2.3    Consider the Equalities Impact Assessment detailed in Appendix 3 and 


2.4    Agree the Residents Engagement Strategy 2024- 2029 as detailed in Appendix 1


2.5    Agree to delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Housing to make minor amendments to the Strategy in consultation with the Executive Mayor and Cabinet Member for Homes following agreement by the Executive Mayor but prior to its recommendation and adoption by Full Council.


2.6    Agree to recommend to Full Council, the adoption of the Resident Engagement Strategy 2024 to 2029, Appendix 1 to this report, incorporating any amendment/s to the agreed scrutiny recommendations.


The Executive Mayor introduced the strategy which sets out the long term goals to enhance resident engagement and resident influence over service delivery developed in collaboration with residents who took part in an extensive consultation process.


The Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Homes, Councillor Lynne Hale extended a warm welcome to guest speaker Mr Leslie Parry (Vice-Chair Tenant & Leaseholder Panel). Assurances were provided to Cabinet that the Housing Team will continue to identify and address barriers to engagement and are committed to working with data collected. Cabinet noted that there will be an ongoing focus on developing resident engagement events, improving accessibility and providing flexible opportunities for involvement.


Mr Leslie Parry (Vice-Chair Tenant & Leaseholder Panel) presented Cabinet with the changes needed in the structure for resident engagement, and how the proposed recommendations would be achieved. Mr Leslie Parry shared that a report has been produced for a new structure for resident engagement. The design group are currently conducting impact assessments of every existing panel, do they work? The recommended structure will then include governance and go to Scrutiny and Decision Makers. The intention is to create a board or a group with senior managers and residents. Data will be key. Lastly, Cabinet were advised that communication, the lived experience of residents will be crucial to improving the housing service.


The Executive Mayor thanked Mr Leslie Parry (and other residents) for his time and input.


The Corporate Director of Homes, Susmita Sen added that the Framework Strategy is a major step forward and goes a long way to meeting the new accountability standards as the report is a co-production piece. Additionally, resident engagement is everyone's job and would like to encourage more residents to get involved at any opportunity.


The Shadow Cabinet Member for Homes, Councillor Chrishni Reshekaron, asked what actions were being considered for a specific or tailored approach to target those groups whose voices were not being heard at the moment?


The Director of Housing Management (Housing), Mary Larbie explained that in order to reach out to groups the council need to know what the groups are and where they live. Reaching out, meeting and finding out what is needed is starting to pay dividends. There is still a lot to be done, however, the more outcomes articulated the more people will get involved in shaping the services.


The Executive Mayor noted that Croydon Council are already trying to approach those groups that are harder to reach and will continue to listen to residents. Cabinet




2.1   Consider the feedback received via the engagement and consultation process as detailed in Appendix 2.


2.2   Consider the feedback received from the Homes Scrutiny Committee held on 23rd October 2023 and feedback from the Homes Scrutiny Committee held on 9th July 2024 and executive response (Appendix 5). 


2.3   Consider the Equalities Impact Assessment detailed in Appendix 3 and 


2.4   Agree the Residents Engagement Strategy 2024- 2029 as detailed in Appendix 1      


2.5   Agree to delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Housing to make minor amendments to the Strategy in consultation with the Executive Mayor and Cabinet Member for Homes following agreement by the Executive Mayor but prior to its recommendation and adoption by Full Council.


2.6   Agree to recommend to Full Council, the adoption of the Resident Engagement Strategy 2024 to 2029, Appendix 1 to this report, incorporating any amendment/s to the agreed scrutiny recommendations.

Supporting documents: