Agenda item

24/00987/FUL - 30 Wyvern Road, Purley, CR8 2NP

Erection of single storey side and rear extension and rear dormer loft extension. Conversion of existing dwellinghouse into 2 self-contained homes, with sub-division of rear garden, associated landscaping and provision of car parking, cycle and refuse storage.


Ward: Purley and Woodcote

Recommendation: Grant permission


Erection of single storey side and rear extension and rear dormer loft extension. Conversion of existing dwellinghouse into 2 self-contained homes, with sub-division of rear garden, associated landscaping and provision of car parking, cycle and refuse storage.


Erection of ground floor side and rear extensions and rear dormer roof extension to facilitate the conversion of the dwelling into 4 flats, and subdivision of rear garden to provide private and communal amenity spaces. Associated cycle storage, refuse storage and a heat pump enclosure, along with provision of play space, landscaping and 2no. onsite car parking spaces.


Ward: Purley and Woodcote


The officer presented details of the planning application and in response to members’ questions explained that:


  • Three previous applications were refused by officers under delegated authority.
  • The issues with the previous applications had been addressed, the proposed development had very minor impact on the appearance of the front elevation from the street.
  • The extension to the property proposed in both applications were similar, the differences were the conversion of the property internally and the subdivision of the garden; however. The dimensions of the extensions to the side and rear of the building remain the same, however the extension has been enlarged on the rear corner to ‘wrap around’ the existing building.
  • The rear extension would be of a similar depth to number 28
  • The wrap around portion of scheme and side extension would not count as permitted development.


Jack Connah spoke in objection to the application; James Cohen spoke in support of the application and Councillor Samir Dwesar addressed the Committee with his view as the Ward Councillor. The sub-committee began the deliberation, during which they raised the following points:


  • The previous substandard accommodation concerns had been addressed.
  • There was concern over a cumulative impact of these types of developments on Wyvern Road.
  • There were concerns on the detrimental impact that the proposed development would have on the character of the area.
  • The proposed development would offer welcome change and add diversity to the area and there were no concerns regarding the internal layout of both schemes.
  • The garden layout was considered confusing.
  • The extension was out of keeping with the character of the main dwelling.
  • The wrap around extension was not in keeping, the design was not appreciated.


The substantive motion to GRANT application 23/04490/FUL based on the officer’s recommendation was proposed by Councillor Fraser. This was seconded by Councillor Islam.


The motion to grant was taken to a vote and fell with three Members voting in favour and three Members voting against. The Chair used his casting vote to vote against the application.


Councillor Parker proposed to refused the application 23/04490/FUL on the grounds that it was out of keeping with the area and the host property. This was seconded by Councillor Fish.


The motion to refuse was taken to a vote and carried with three Members voting in favour and three Members voting against.  The Chair used his casting vote to in favour of the motion to refuse the application.


The Committee RESOLVED to REFUSE application 23/04490/FUL for the development at 30 Wyvern Road, Purley, CR8 2NP.


The substantive motion to GRANT application 24/00987/FUL based on the officer’s recommendation was proposed by Councillor Fraser. This was seconded by Councillor Srinivasan.


The motion to grant was taken to a vote and fell with three Members voting in favour and three Members voting against. The Chair used his casting vote to vote against the application.


Councillor Parker proposed a motion to refuse the application 24/00987/FUL on the grounds that it was out of keeping with the area and the host property. This was seconded by Councillor Fish.


The motion to refuse the application was taken to a vote and carried with three Members voting in favour and three Members voting against. The Chair used his casting vote to in favour of the motion to refuse the application.


The Committee RESOLVED to REFUSE application 24/00987/FUL for the development at 30 Wyvern Road, Purley, CR8 2NP


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