2.1 To approve the appointment of the preferred bidder named in the Part B report for the delivery of waste and recycling collection, street cleansing and vehicle maintenance services for a term of eight years (April 2025 – 2033), with an option to extend for a further two periods of eight years each by mutual consent for the value stated in the Part B report.
2.2 To agree that, subject to there being no material changes to the scope of services and proposed solutions set out in this report, the Corporate Director of Sustainable Communities, Regeneration and Economic Recovery in consultation with the Executive Mayor and Cabinet Member for Streets & Environment is authorised to agree the final contract.
2.3 To note the identity of the Preferred Bidder will be released following the award decision, in accordance with usual practice.
The Executive Mayor introduced the report stating a new waste and street cleansing service aligned with the Mayor's Business Plan would launch in April 2025. Strict financial and procurement regulations were applied to the received bid to ensure best value was achieved. The new service included the following improvements:
Resident feedback regarding collection frequency and improvements to street cleansing were addressed within the contract.
Deputy Cabinet Member for Contract Management, Councillor Robert Ward advised there would be no reduction to the waste collection frequency and the night time economy collections and additional service for flats above shops were important enhancements. The dynamic street cleansing schedule which aligned to resource requirements was noted and Croydon would now manage its own service delivery, with an active client management team serving as an example to other large contracts. It was felt the contract would provide a good and continuously improving service to residents.
Corporate Director of Sustainable Communities, Regeneration & Economic Recovery, Nick Hibberd noted the report was the conclusion of a comprehensive procurement process and had involved officers with expertise from across the council both in the design and assessment of the service. The contract followed the specification developed with oversight from the Scrutiny Streets and Environment Sub-Committee and Cabinet in 2023.
Shadow Cabinet Member for Streets and Environment, Councillor Herman asked if the administration had failed to secure a competitive process by having only one bidder.
Head of Environment and Neighbourhood Services, Charles Baker advised engagement with the wider market had been undertaken prior to the implementation of the procurement strategy and enabled the structure of an attractive specification. During the dialogue process, the commercial risk had not fit with all the bidder's corporate agendas and only one bidder had submitted a financially viable solution for evaluation. It had been the commercial risk and market which had changed, it was noted that the market had reduced, with businesses focussing on other environmental service areas.
2.1 To approve the appointment of the preferred bidder named in the Part B report for the delivery of waste and recycling collection, street cleansing and vehicle maintenance services for a term of eight years (April 2025 – 2033), with an option to extend for a further two periods of eight years each by mutual consent for the value stated in the Part B report.
2.2 To agree that, subject to there being no material changes to the scope of services and proposed solutions set out in this report, the Corporate Director of Sustainable Communities, Regeneration and Economic Recovery in consultation with the Executive Mayor and Cabinet Member for Streets & Environment is authorised to agree the final contract.
2.3 To note the identity of the Preferred Bidder will be released following the award decision, in accordance with usual practice.
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