Agenda item

London Borough of Culture Impact Report




2.1 To endorse the findings of the ‘This is Croydon London Borough of Culture 2023 Impact Report’ as attached as Appendix 1, and note the success of the program and the rich diversity of events offered throughout the borough.


2.2 To endorse the lessons learnt and next steps elements of the Impact report.


2.3 To support the ongoing work with Culture Croydon and the culture sector to build on the success of the new partnership approach.


The Executive Mayor set out the success of Croydon's London Borough of Culture programme 'This is Croydon' during 2023/24, noting it had been an opportunity to celebrate Croydon's rich culture and creativity and to attract inward investment to the borough. The initial investment of £1.5 million from the Greater London Authority had seen additional investment of £3.6 million pounds brought into the Borough. The programme had been delivered within budget and had engaged with 2750 artists, 83% of whom were based in Croydon and attracted audiences of over 65,000 people across the events. It had also provided 16,275 opportunities for young people and involved 92% of Croydon schools.


Cabinet Member for Culture and Community Safety, Councillor Andy Strannack noted the ongoing legacy of the programme. Since March 2024, 26 local creative organisations had benefited from 'Croydon Loves You' grants and 40 events had taken place as part of the Open House festival. The 'Come as you are' exhibition had taken over the hobby cave within the Grants complex and illustrated meanwhile use of retail space for creative use.

Creative events funding of over £2 million had been attracted from outside the borough. The Harvest Festival celebrations held the previous weekend had attracted 5,000 people into the borough and indicated the ability of such events to provide increased footfall and retail spend. 


Thanks were extended to the team and community sector organisations for their excellent and continuing work.  


Chief Executive of Talawa Theatre Company and Vice-Chair of the programme steering group, Carolyn Forsyth advised the programme was an example of the impact of partnership working between local government and its ability to bring about lasting change. The challenges of limited funding for the arts, timing, planning and marketing were noted. A standout success had been the celebration of Croydon's diverse communities, particularly the delivery of meaningful cultural experiences delivered to people where they lived, ensuring no one was left behind. The legacy of the programme was Culture Croydon and the learning which could be taken forward and in plans to join the redevelopment of the town centre with Culture Croydon, ensuring funding opportunities and best use of space for communities and artists were realised.


Zawdie Campell a programme participant, advised of the impact 'This is Croydon' had on their creative career trajectory. It had provided opportunities to undertake creative work in their home borough. Thanks were given to Fashion Makes Music where they had been a project assistant for a fashion show. The programme had also fostered a greater sense of pride in the borough by themselves and their creative peers.


Councillor Nina Degrads thanked officers and partners for their work to make the London Borough of Culture programme a success and recognised the hard work and legacy it had created for arts in Croydon.


Cabinet Member for Finance, Councillor Jason Cummings thanked Zawdie Campell for sharing their story and the real impact of the programme.


The Executive Mayor thanked Dan Winder, Carolyn Forsyth, Caterina Loriggio and Stephanie Wilson and Croydon's funders, the Arts Council and the National Lottery Heritage Fund for the success of the programme.




2.1 To endorse the findings of the ‘This is Croydon London Borough of Culture 2023 Impact Report’ as attached as Appendix 1, and note the success of the program and the rich diversity of events offered throughout the borough.


2.2 To endorse the lessons learnt and next steps elements of the Impact report.


2.3 To support the ongoing work with Culture Croydon and the culture sector to build on the success of the new partnership approach.

Supporting documents: