Agenda item

Update on the Housing Transformation Programme


Cabinet RESOLVED to;


2.1 Note the progress (set out in sections 4 and 5) since March 2024 on the Housing Transformation Programme.


The Executive Mayor noted the letter from Martin Wheatley, Chair of the Independent Housing Improvement Board and available within the meetings supplementary agenda. It was advised that the Housing Transformation Programme was central to addressing the legacy of unresolved issues left by the previous Administration.


There had been several areas of progress including approval of the Asset Management Strategy, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy and the Resident Engagement Strategy and the establishment of a dedicated Housing Compliance Team and strengthening of fire safety and building protocols.


The Housing Improvement Board ensures that residents’ perspectives are central to this transformation, guiding us in returning to full compliance with the standards set by the Regulator of Social Housing.


The Executive Mayor thanked Martin Wheatley, Chair of the Independent Housing Improvement Board for their observations and recognition of the progress made and acknowledges the feedback on the need for sustained focus, stronger corporate engagement and continued support across council services to embed and maintain these improvements.


Deputy Executive Mayor and Cabinet Member for Homes Councillor Lynne Hale advised a number of projects has been completed since the last reporting update in March 2024. There had been some positive changes to the experiences of residents and partners and engagement on strategy developments.


Oversight by the Housing Improvement Board continued and provided challenging insight from a resident's perspective. Work still to be done included the improvement of services such as grounds maintenance on estates and complaint handling. Feedback from the Housing Improvement Board on the report was welcomed and taken seriously. 


Regarding regeneration of Regina Road, the first iteration of regeneration plans would be reported to Planning Committee the following week. This would provide opportunity for Members to view and comment on the proposals at pre application stage and residents of the estate would also be informed. It was the intention to present pre-application report to Planning Committee twice. 


Thanks were extended to staff within the housing service for their hard work to deliver the improvements for residents.


Corporate Director of Housing, Susmita Sen highlighted the new Internal Control Boards set up between Housing, Children's and Adults to enable collaborative working across projects as listed at Paragraph 5.4 of the report. 


Leader of the Opposition, Councillor Stuart King acknowledged the wide ranging improvement achievements within Housing but raised concerns regarding the Chair of the Housing Improvement Board's open letter. It was questioned how the corporate centre of the council would show commitment to the required improvements in the Housing department for tenants.


The Executive Mayor noted the importance of the Housing Improvement Board and the impact of having their independent voice. Work was already ongoing to bring directorates together with housing and there was further work planned with Sustainable Communities, Regeneration & Economic Recovery (SCRER) teams around the look and feel of estates. There was corporate support to the Housing department and the council would seek to better demonstrate this, to evidence the ongoing improvements to both tenants and the Housing Improvement Board. 


Corporate Director of Housing, Susmita Sen provided reassurance that work was already underway on grounds maintenance, with SCRER due to present to the Housing Improvement Board in November. It was also the intention to involve residents in the process. 


Cabinet RESOLVED to;


2.1 Note the progress (set out in sections 4 and 5) since March 2024 on the Housing Transformation Programme.

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