Agenda item

Principal Social Workers Annual Reports 2023-2024




2.1.1. To note the Annual Report of the Principal Social Worker for Adult Social Care 2023-24 (as attached at Appendix A).


2.1.2. To note the Annual Report of the Principal Social Worker for Children’s Social Care 2023-24 (as attached at Appendix B).



The Executive Mayor introduced the report noting it was an opportunity to celebrate the achievements over the last year and recognise the ongoing work to prepare for the upcoming CQC assurance programme and the continued delivery of the council's statutory services. 


Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, Councillor Maria Gatland highlighted that 82.5% of social workers were permanent members of staff which was a testament to the department and principle social worker's work and the experience and commitment of the council's social workers.


The breadth of responsibility under the council's Principal Social Worker was noted. Key achievements were detailed in the report and included designing and launching trauma informed practice workshops for the fostering service, organising and leading multiple staff conferences and the development of the Assessed and Supported In Year Employment (ASYE) programme.


Thanks were extended to Principal Social Worker, Jo George and all of the social workers for their work for Croydon families. 


Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Councillor Yvette Hopley thanked Principle Social Worker, Sharon Judd and the team for their hard work.  The importance of developing effective conditions for practice and retaining excellent staff was highlighted. It was noted that the achievements across the service were set out at Paragraph 2.4 of the report and the reporting was an example of good governance for the department and would support any future CQC inspection. 


Principle Social Worker, Jo George thanked the Executive Mayor, Chief Executive and Corporate Management Team for their continued support for the Children's department. The stability of the department's leadership was noted as having had a positive impact for its transformation and development.


The high percentage of permanent staff and staff retention rates were highlighted. Staff retention had been supplemented by development opportunities and initiatives for more experienced staff. The provision of accredited training delivered in-house was welcomed by staff and supported improvements to practice standards. 


The Executive Mayor thanked Principle Social Worker, Jo George for their hard work. 


Principle Social Worker, Sharon Judd explained the principal social worker role within Croydon for Adults was relatively new and development across the directorate had been the key focus over the last two years.


Key achievements and areas of development were highlighted within the report and included:

  • The development of an audit program to establish any gaps in practice or knowledge. 
  • The establishment of the ASYE program, through which 11 newly qualified social workers had graduated. 
  • Development of Practice workshops, Conferences and Reflective workshop.


The Executive Mayor thanked Principal Social Worker, Sharon Judd for their development of the role and commitment to improving the team. 


Shadow Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, Councillor Amy Foster noted an upcoming awareness period regarding violence against women and girls and a training need around supporting families in regard to coercive control. It was asked how staff could be enabled rather than encouraged to undertake training.


The Executive Mayor responded that there were already training programs in place and the 80% staff retention rate highlighted the positive working environment in Croydon.  


It was advised the Principle Social Worker was developing and maintaining a group of Domestic Abuse Champions, embedded within the Restart service and working with perpetrators and victims.  


Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care Councillor Janet Campbell noted the extensive role of the Adults Principal Social worker particularly in embedding a strength-based culture and practice. It was asked whether there had been implementation challenges and also how the role had influenced the integration of Mental Health Social Work statutory functions.


It was also asked how the Principal Social Worker was able to balance these demands with their personal wellbeing. 


It was advised the culture change towards adoption of a strength-based practice had been a challenge. This was being realised by embedding resident and carers voices in a positive way, supported by the audit process and by recognising staff strengths and areas for development. 


There were challenges to integrate Mental Health practitioners into the service as they currently operated under the medical model.  There would be a review of the functions undertaken by Mental Health Social Workers under the Care Act along with staff integration and shadowing. Time was being spent to share learning and understanding. 


It was advised the new Principal Social Worker role in adults had created a framework of trust and accountability, their role and influence extended to all staff within the service. 


A small team had been developed to enable the Principal Social Worker to delegate task and protect their own passion and wellbeing. 


The Executive Mayor noted the importance of personal wellbeing and consciousness around mental health and thanked Councillor Campbell for their question.


The Executive Mayor thanked and commended the teams for the work.




2.1.1. To note the Annual Report of the Principal Social Worker for Adult Social Care 2023-24 (as attached at Appendix A).


2.1.2. To note the Annual Report of the Principal Social Worker for Children’s Social Care 2023-24 (as attached at Appendix B).

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