Agenda item

Outcome of the Ofsted Inspecting Local Authority Children's Services Inspection (Publication of Report to Follow)

Important Note: The report for this item is embargoed until publication on the 3rd December 2024 on the OFSTED website.




The Executive Mayor and Cabinet, RESOLVED to;


2.1 Note and consider the outcome and findings from Ofsted’s inspection of Croydon’s Children’s Services which concluded on 25th October 2024 and judged the Council’s services for children as ‘good’.


2.2 Note that improvement plans will be reviewed and refreshed to ensure they address all the issues raised in the inspection report.



The Executive Mayor introduced the report following a full inspection of Children’s Services by Ofsted in October 2024, Croydon has retained its ‘Good’ rating.


Despite ‘significant challenges' still faced by the Council, Ofsted’s report highlighted the hard work of social workers and practitioners to support children and young people. The Executive Mayor thanked these staff, as well as the young people involved in shaping services, the Senior Leadership Team and Cabinet Member for Children and Young People Councillor Gatland.


Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, Councillor Maria Gatland  welcomed the report and advised of the improvements found by the inspectors in most areas, despite the Council's significant financial challenges and increasing demand. There were areas of practice requiring improvement and the report recognised the realistic plans in place to achieve this. The willing engagement of social workers in the inspection indicated their pride and a wider culture change in the organisation. The excellent work of social workers was highlighted throughout the report.


Within the report Corporate Parenting had been described as a strength for the Council and thanks were extended to staff and to the excellent team of young ambassadors for their wide ranging work and influence.


It was noted that Independent visitors and Early permanence had also been identified as strong areas of practice and the high ambitions of staff for children in the virtual school and the wraparound support available was noted as having positively improved outcomes.


Thanks were extended to the senior leadership team for their work despite the challenges.


Corporate Director, Debbie Jones advised hearing, listening and responding to the voices of young people was central to the work. The report's description of staff as 'tenacious, committed and skilled' was highlighted. The Council had a clear strategic direction and plans in place to achieve further improvements.


Elenor Brazil (IAP) advised achieving a 'Good' Ofsted rating had formed part of the agreed exit strategy. The 'Good' outcome was solid and key areas of the report were highlighted:


  • The challenging circumstances in Croydon recognised including financial challenges, post covid and size of service.
  • Excellent management supervision and oversight.
  • Direct work with young people.
  • Good plans for C&YPE.
  • Different interventions, recognition of children's differing needs.
  • Children entering care appropriately and life story books work.
  • Good organisation of family time.
  • The virtual school.
  • Tenacious staff and strong offer for young people.
  • Leadership awareness of areas requiring change.
  • A strong quality assurance framework.
  • Strong partnerships, although health could be better.
  • Strong systemic practice in place; upheld by good training and development.


There were four areas identified as for improvement which the service was aware of and had plans to improve.


The Improvement and Assurance Panel's congratulations were extended to the staff and leadership of the Council for a good outcome. 


Ambassadors from the Children and Care Council described their experience of becoming involved with the Council. Through being an ambassador they felt their opinions had been heard and noted the ongoing improvements happening. They described the influence young people could have by attending multi agency meetings. The Housing Ambassador advised how the engagement offer had developed over time. The ambassador opportunity was empowering for young people to have their voices heard. Ambassadors were passionate about their specific areas and felt staff had done a good job of matching young people to their roles.


Shadow Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, Councillor Amy Foster noted the language used in the report regarding the staff should be a source of pride as well as the recognition of the Youth Ambassador's work. Sought recognition of work to achieve a second 'Good' outcome since 2020.



The Executive Mayor and Cabinet, RESOLVED to;


2.1 Note and consider the outcome and findings from Ofsted’s inspection of Croydon’s Children’s Services which concluded on 25th October 2024 and judged the Council’s services for children as ‘good’.


2.2 Note that improvement plans will be reviewed and refreshed to ensure they address all the issues raised in the inspection report.


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