Agenda item

Objections to Proposed Parking Restrictions

The purpose of this report is to consider objections received from the public following the formal consultation process on a proposal to introduce ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions in Cross Road, Addiscombe West, Stambourne Way/Shelford Rise, Crystal Palace & Upper Norwood; Southbridge Road/Tanfield Road/Brafferton Road/St. Andrew’s Road/Keen’s Road/Bramley Hill/Dering Road and Wellesley Road, Fairfield; Lower Barn Road, Purley Oaks & Riddlesdown, Upper Shirley Road, Shirley South, Bevan Court/Fleming Court/Coldharbour Road and Stapleton Gardens, Waddon and Davidson Road, Woodside.


(Copy attached)


The Traffic Management Advisory Committee considered a report on objections received from the public following the formal consultation process on a proposal to introduce ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions in Cross Road, Addiscombe West, Stambourne Way/Shelford Rise, Crystal Palace & Upper Norwood; Southbridge Road/Tanfield Road/Brafferton Road/St. Andrew’s Road/Keen’s Road/Bramley Hill/Dering Road and Wellesley Road, Fairfield; Lower Barn Road, Purley Oaks & Riddlesdown, Upper Shirley Road, Shirley South, Bevan Court/Fleming Court/Coldharbour Road and Stapleton Gardens, Waddon and Davidson Road, Woodside.


Ms Zoe Henry addressed the Committee in her capacity as a local resident of Southbridge Road and explained that the introduction of “At any time” waiting restrictions was not suitable for the area as the single loading was required by residents to receive deliveries and drop off children, elderly and disabled residents.


Mr Michael Foster addressed the Committee in his capacity as a local resident of Southbridge Road and explained that the single yellow lines on Southbridge Road provided much needed parking spaces during the evening. The parking bays were often full and residents were paying for permits to park close to their property. Mr Foster added that the parking restrictions would cause problems for visitors in the area who would typically use the single yellow lines.


Mr Bharat Patel addressed the Committee in his capacity as a business owner in Southbridge Road and explained that there were only 10 small, individual businesses in the parade and there had recently been a dramatic reduce in custom since the introduction of single yellow lines. He noted that the business owners were relying on passing trade and this would reduce significantly if the proposed parking restrictions were agreed.


In response to the queries raised by the speakers representing Southbridge Road the Parking Design Manager explained that officers were proposing to dilute the scheme for Southbridge Road. The double yellow lines would only be introduced up to northern junction section of the road due to the negative response received to the consultation and because the main parking problems in the area were in the evening and on Sundays. It was clarified that single yellow lines would remain on majority of road.


Mr Edmunds and Mr Adgar addressed the Committee in their capacity as local residents of Lower Barn Road and explained that the officers were no longer recommending to introduce the previously proposed parking restrictions to Lower Barn Road. They outlined the objections that had been submitted that were noted in the officer’s report.


Mr Jacob Cole addressed the Committee in his capacity as a local resident of Bevan Court and requested on behalf of the residents that the parking restrictions were reduced by 42 inches on the left side of the road to improve the access to the resident footway. He noted that the proposed parking restrictions on the majority of the road would greatly reduce parking and traffic problems in the area.


Councillor Canning noted that he supported the suggestion made by Mr Cole and explained that the south east of the road widened and there was consequently no need for double yellow lines to continue the full length of the road. He explained that when visiting the site he had noted that the bins were only placed out in the first half of the road so it would not be a problem for refuse collection.


The Parking Design Manager explained that the first half of the road was a major concern due to the access for emergency vehicles; however, it would be possible to compromise and not propose parking restrictions on the south east side of the road.


The Chair proposed to amend the officer’s recommendation for Lower Barn Road listed under 1.2. Councillor Jewitt seconded the Chair’s proposal.


The Traffic Management Advisory Committee RESOLVED to recommend to the Acting Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport & Regeneration (Job Share) that they:


1.1         Consider the objections received to the proposed parking restrictions and the officer’s recommendations in response to these in:


·           Cross Road, Addiscombe West

·           Stambourne Way, Crystal Palace & Upper Norwood

·           Wellesley Road, Fairfield 

·           Southbridge Road, Fairfield/Waddon

·           Lower Barn Road, Purley Oaks & Riddlesdown

·           Upper Shirley Road, Shirley South

·           Bevan Court/Fleming Court and Stapleton Gardens, Waddon

·           Davidson Road, Woodside


1.2         Agree the following, for the reasons set out in this report:

1.     Cross Road, Addiscombe West - proceed with the proposal as shown in drawing no. PD 353a.

2.     Stambourne Way, Crystal Palace & Upper Norwood – proceed with the proposal as shown in drawing no. PD 365g.

3.     Wellesley Road, Fairfield - proceed with the proposal as shown in drawing no. PD 353f.

4.     Southbridge Road/Tanfield Road/Brafferton Road/St. Andrew’s Road/Keen’s Road/Bramley Hill/Dering Road/, Fairfield/Waddon – proceed with the proposal but only to the northern junction with Dering road as shown in drawing no. PD 359d

5.     Lower Barn Road, Purley Oaks & Riddlesdown – not to proceed with the proposal as shown in drawing no. PD 353l at the current time but monitor parking and damage to the verge for future review.

6.     Upper Shirley Road, Shirley South – proceed with the proposal as shown in drawing no. PD 353g.

8.     Davidson Road, Woodside – extend the proposed restrictions as shown in amended drawing no. PD 353q.


1.3      Agree the following amended recommendation, as discussed at the Traffic Management Advisory Committee:

7.     Bevan Court/Fleming Court/Coldharbour Road and Stapleton Gardens, Waddon – proceed with the proposals as shown in drawing no. PD 359k and PD 353n but only up to points 4 metres south east of the south eastern boundaries of nos.96 and 100 Coldharbour Road for Bevan Court and 4 metres south east of the south eastern boundaries of nos.114 and 118 Coldharbour Road for Fleming Court.


1.4      Delegate to the Highway Improvement Manager, Highways, the authority to make the necessary Traffic Management Order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended) in order to implement recommendation 1.2 above.

Supporting documents: