Agenda item

Tollers Lane Estate - Highway Changes in Connection with the Introduction of a New Bus Service

The purpose of this report is to consider objections received from the public following the statutory consultation process on a proposal to introduce ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions in Tollers Lane, Lacey Green, Goodenough Way, Ellis Road, Goodenough Close, Middle Close, Weston Close and Ellis Close. The statutory consultation took place between 3 January 2019 and 27January 2019.


The Traffic Management Advisory Committee considered the report which included the objections received from the public following the statutory consultation process on a proposal to introduce ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions in Tollers Lane, Lacey Green, Goodenough Way, Ellis Road, Goodenough Close, Middle Close, Weston Close and Ellis Close. The Project Manager, Richard Lancaster, noted that the Committee was recommend to proceed with the waiting restrictions at the locations listed within the report, subject to Transport for London (TfL) taking the decision to introduce a bus service to serve the Tollers Lane Estate.


Mr Stuart Austen addressed the Committee in his capacity as a resident of Tollers Lane Estate and explained that he was in objection to the proposed waiting restrictions and the new bus route to be introduced by TfL. He had been a resident of Tollers Lane Estate for approximately two years and had moved due to it being quiet. He explained that there were two bus routes that were easily accessible from the estate and the report had noted that these were a seven minute walk away, but this was from the furthest dwelling from the stop; a solution would be for TfL to slightly extend the bus route 60 to the edge of the estate. The estate was not suitable for buses to access and having a route operating every 15 minutes would disturb the residents. There were already current parking issues in the area and the proposed restrictions would worsen these.


In response to the queries raised by the local resident the Project Manager explained that the walking distance to the current bus stops had been taken from a central point in the estate and for some residents the current distance was challenging. In response to the new bus route, additional parking spaces would be introduced. The Head of Transport, Ian Plowright, added that TfL were working to meet the London Mayor’s objectives.


In response to Councillor Hoar the Head of Transport explained that TfL were yet to publish their formal findings from the consultation regarding the 404 bus route and the proposed waiting restrictions would not be implemented until this analysis was published.


Councillor Ali noted that there was a need for an improved bus route in the area and this had previously been discussed at the Public Transport Liaison Panel where residents had requested the new route.


RESOLVED – That the Traffic Management Advisory Committee recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and Regeneration (job share) that they:


1)    Considers the objections received to the proposed ‘at any time’ waiting restrictions and the officer’s response to these in:

·         Tollers Lane

·         Lacey Green

·         Goodenough Way

·         Ellis Road

·         Junction of Goodenough Way / Goodenough Close

·         Junction of Goodenough Way / Middle Close

·         Junction of Goodenough Way / Weston Close

·         Junction of Ellis Road / Ellis Close


2)    Notes the changes that have been made to the proposals following the statutory consultation.


3)    Subject to Transport for London (TfL) taking the decision to introduce a bus service to serve the Tollers Lane Estate, to agree to introduce the ‘at any time’ waiting restrictions at the locations listed in paragraph 1.1 for the reasons set out in the report.


4)    Delegate to the Highway Improvement Manager, Highways, the authority to make the necessary Traffic Management Order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended) in order to implement recommendation 3 above.


5)    Officers to inform the objectors of the above decision.

Supporting documents: