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Agenda item

19/02842/PRE Croydon College Annexe, College Road, Croydon, CR9 1DX

Mixed redevelopment of the site to provide circa 90 flats and a ‘Cultural and creative industries enterprise centre’.


Ward: Fairfield


Mixed redevelopment of the site to provide circa 90 flats and a ‘Cultural and creative industries enterprise centre’.


Ward: Fairfield


Will Edmonds, Partner at Montagu Evans (the Planning Agent), Paul Fender from ECE Architects and Donncha Murphy from Stonegate Homes (the Applicant) attended to give a presentation and respond to Members' questions and issues raised for further consideration prior to submission of a planning application.


The main issues raised at this meeting were as follows:


At 6:37pm Councillor Neal attended the meeting.


Design and massing: Members welcomed the architectural response for a challenging site (including the twisting building form to address the Fairfield public realm, dynamic design of ground floor and artist studios). Questions were raised about the resilience of the proposed materials and the design of the facades to ensure that they are not stark/harsh when viewed from the public realm. The Architect confirmed that they are currently considering using a white concrete for the taller part of the building. There was support for a sculpture facade to create interest in the building.Members discussed the main tower element, querying whether the Applicant had considered whether there was opportunity for additional height, or architectural crown feature similar to the precedent existing buildings shown in the presentation. Members sought clarification about rationale for the 4-story element to the site.


Public Realm: Members welcomed the pedestrian walkway through the site to Barclay Road which would be a significant addition to the area. They questioned whether the under croft could be increased in size and queried the safety of the under croft area. Members requested that the under croft should be well designed, with residential access located to provide high surveillance and well-lit to provide a high quality and safe walkway that would hopefully by well used. It was suggested that a simple walkthrough of the walkway may be helpful to understand how the route works. Members further discussed the finger part of the site, raising concerns that future development above this public realm could be detrimental to the experience and environment of the walkway in terms of safety.


Affordable Housing: Members welcomed the 30% at a 54/46 split in favour of affordable rent, and suggested that the location of the provision and dwelling mix should be identified in the scheme.


Community Space: Introduction of art studios and a café was welcomed but members suggested there was need for flexibility for the café space and continued resilience of the space. There was also a request that the Applicant explore childcare provision within the scheme.


Refuse: Members commented on the refuse arrangements, suggesting that this needs careful consideration and encouraging the Applicant to look at options which would avoid having to use the Barclay Road ramp.


Balconies: There was a request for the balconies to be off the living space. The Architect confirmed that this is the case.


Fairfield Halls: Members sought confirmation that the development is being designed to ensure that it would not prejudice to the operation on the Fairfield Halls. The Architect confirmed that acoustic testing is being undertaken.



The Chair thanked the applicants for their presentation, and looked forward to their application returning to the Committee at a later stage.


Supporting documents: