Agenda item

19/05882/PRE 26-52 Whytecliffe Road South and Purley Station Car Park, Purley, CR8 2AW

Demolition of existing terrace properties, redevelopment of site with buildings ranging between six and ten storeys in height and with a rear five storey building, providing 262 residential homes and replacement station car park.


Ward: Purley and Woodcote


Demolition of existing terrace properties, redevelopment of site with buildings ranging between six and ten storeys in height and with a rear five storey building, providing 262 residential homes and replacement station car park.


Ward: Purley and Woodcote


Mr Kevin Goodwin the Planning Consultant to this scheme and Mr Marco Tomasi, from Formation Architect who is the scheme’s architect, attended to give a presentation and respond to Members' questions and issues raised for further consideration prior to submission of a planning application.


The main issues raised at this meeting were as follows:


Height and Massing: There was a general agreement from Members for the principle of the redevelopment of this site, with some Member support for the height and massing, and other Member concerned about the height and mass of the development.


Design: Members discussed the character study of the site and whether it was transferred into the design. Members commented on the view of the development highlighting it would be seen from Purley town centre and also the railway view, which should be taken into consideration when designing the scheme. Members also discussed whether a material change would help break up the higher parts of the building.


Place ReviewPanel: Members requested for the applicant to demonstrate a detailed response to the comments raised by the panel.


Biodiversity and Public Realm: Positive comments were raised by Members in relation to the improvements of the biodiversity and public realm outside the site. With regards to the amenity space, Members requested that the space was increased with the additional provision of green roofs and green facades. There were questions raised around the quality of the landscaping for future occupants and the emphasis on having appropriate good quality play areas for families within the development. Proximity and location to also be taken into account in relation to the railway line.


Community Space: Members were concerned with the removal of the community space within the development, and there was a strong view for the community use in some form to be reinstated within the development.


Number of Family Homes: There were concerns by Members around the mix of homes proposed and the number of 1-bedroom homes, as there was a need for more family homes.


Affordable Housing: Members discussed the importance of affordable homes and the need for the scheme to deliver London affordable rent homes as part of the proposal within this location.


Quality of Accommodation: There were comments raised by Members around the quality of accommodation for future occupants and those surrounding the site those adjacent to the railway line, where Members were concerned with issues around air quality, flats and amenity areas, and ensuring that the daylight and sunlight element was considered for the future occupants and those adjoining the site.


Noise & Disturbance: Members would like the noise of the adjacent railway to be taken into account during this proposed development to mitigate impact.


Other considerations: Members were concerned around the potential over development of the site in the area and the infrastructure.


Ward Member Councillor Simon Brew was invited to share his local viewpoint on the development presentation.


The Chair thanked the applicants for their presentation, and looked forward to their application returning to the Committee at a later stage.

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