Issue - decisions

Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) School Funding 2024/25 Formula Factors

09/02/2024 - Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) School Funding 2024/25 Formula Factors



1.1.         To approve the statutory spend of £319.1m of DSG funding for the period 2024-25,


1.2.         To approve the provisional funding formula for Croydon schools for the financial year 2024/25 for both maintained schools and academies in line with the recommendations voted by Schools Forum on 6 November 2023,


1.3.         To support the local authority strategic decision to transfer £1.2m from the school’s block to the High Needs through the disapplication process as part of DfE High Needs Safety Valve DSG Deficit Recovery Strategy,


1.4.         To note the DfE optional factors values reported in appendix D and E. Appendix E provides additional insight into the how Schools Forum evaluated the three main DfE options for each factor shown appendix D before selecting the final factor which forms the bases underlying the draft budget for 2024/25,


1.5.         To finally note the three key changes required in setting the 2024/25 school’s budget.