Issue - decisions

Report on Informal Consultation on 6 Experimental Healthy School Streets Schemes (Group 5)

25/07/2024 - Report on Informal Consultation on 6 Experimental Healthy School Streets Schemes (Group 5)

Cabinet RESOLVED to:


2.1     To proceed to statutory consultation for the following Healthy School Street schemes detailed in this report, and, following consideration of the statutory consultation responses, to delegate the decision to proceed to implementation to the Corporate Director of Sustainable Communities, Regeneration & Economic Recovery, in consultation with the Executive Mayor and the Cabinet Member for Streets & Environment:  



Affected road(s) 



Applegarth Academy 


Entire length of road 


Beulah Infant and Nursery School 

Furze Road 

Entire length of road 



2.2           To delegate the decision to proceed to statutory consultation, following further engagement with Calleydown Shortbreak Children’s Home, and implementation, following the statutory consultation stage, to the Corporate Director of Sustainable Communities, Regeneration & Economic Recovery in consultation with the Executive Mayor and the Cabinet Member for Streets & Environment, for the following Healthy School Street scheme detailed in this report: 



Affected road(s) 



Rowdown Primary School 

Calley Down Crescent 

Between Windham Avenue and Stowell Avenue 



2.3           To delegate the decision to proceed to statutory consultation, following a further informal consultation stage, and implementation, following the statutory consultation stage, to the Corporate Director of Sustainable Communities, Regeneration & Economic Recovery, in consultation with the Executive Mayor and the Cabinet Member for Streets & Environment, for the following Healthy School Street schemes detailed in this report, which includes Harris City Academy Crystal Palace School Street having moved from Group 4 to Group 5 of the Healthy School Streets programme: 



Affected road(s) 



Harris Primary Academy Purley Way 

Propeller Crescent 

Between no. 1 and junction with Purley Way by school 


Harris City Academy Crystal Palace 

1.    Sylvan Road 

2.    Kitley Gardens 

3.    Cantley Gardens 

4.    Maberley Road (southern section) 

5.    Windall Close 

1.      Between No. 14/16 and Maberley Road 

2.      b. Entire length of road 

3.      Entire length of road 

4.      Between Mowbray Road and Sylvan Road 

5.      Entire length of road 



2.4                Not to proceed with the following Healthy School Street schemes detailed in this report: 



Affected road(s) 



John Wood Primary School 

a.    Dartnell Road 

b.    Jesmond Road

c.    Exeter Road

d.    Laurier Road 

1.    Between Rymer Road and Bredon Road 

2.    North of Bredon Road 

3.    Entire length of road 

4.    Entire length of road 


Riddlesdown Collegiate 

1.    Dunmail Drive 

2.    Honister Heights 

c.    Derwent Drive 

d.    Grisedale Gardens 

e.    Eskdale Gardens 

f.     Ingleboro Drive 

1.    Entire length of road 

2.    Entire length of road 

c.    Entire length of road 

d.    Entire length of road 

e.    Entire length of road 

f.     East of Buttermere Gardens