Register of interests

Councillor Lynne Hale

I, Councillor Lynne Hale, notify the Monitoring Officer that I have set out below the interests which I am required to register under Section 30 of the Localism Act 2011 and the Members' Code of Conduct, including the known interests of my partner where applicable, and have entered “None” where I or my partner have no such interests.

Part A - Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

1.1 Do you or your partner undertake any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation for profit or gain? If so, please provide :
Name of Employer or Body Nature of employment, trade, profession or vocation
Chris Philp MP Constituency Casework managment
1.2 The name of any firm in which you or your partner are a Partner for profit or gain.
Name of Firm Nature of business
None None
1.3 Name of any Company in which you or your partner are a Director for profit or gain.
Name of Company Nature of business
None None
1.4 Details of any other paid office.
Name of Body Nature of Office
None None
2.1 Please provide details of any payment or provision of any other financial benefit you have received (other than from the London Borough of Croydon) within the last twelve months in respect of any expenses incurred by you in carrying out duties as a Member or towards your election expenses.
Name of Person or Body providing sponsorship Nature and amount of the sponsorship
None None
3 Please provide details of any contract that you or your partner (or a Body in which either of you have a beneficial interest) have entered into with the London Borough of Croydon under which goods or services are to be provided or works are to be executed and which has not been fully discharged.
Names of parties to the contract Description of the contract and nature of your interest
None None
4 Please provide details of any beneficial interest in Land (this includes your full home address, including house name/number, street name and postcode) that you or your partner have which is within the area of the London Borough of Croydon.
Details of Land/Building
19 Blacksmiths Hill CR2 9AZ
5 Please provide details of any licence to occupy land in the area of the London Borough of Croydon for a month or longer held by you or your partner (either alone or jointly with others).
Details of Licence
6 Please provide details of any corporate tenancy where to your knowledge: the landlord is the London Borough of Croydon and the tenant is a body in which you or your partner have a beneficial interest.
Details of Corporate Tenancy
7 Please provide details of any beneficial interest held by you or your partner in securities of a body where (a) that body has a place of business or land in the area of the London Borough of Croydon, and (b) either (i) The total nominal value of the Securities exceeds £25,000 (face value) or one hundredth (1/100th) of the total issued share capital of that body; or (ii) if the share capital of that body is of more than one class, the total nominal value of the shares of any one class in which you or your partner has a beneficial interest exceeds one hundredth of the total issue share capital of that class
Security Nature of your interest
None None

Part B - Other Registerable Interests

8.1 Please provide details of any unpaid directorships
Unpaid directorships
8.2 Please provide details of any body of which you are a member, or are in a position of general control or management and to which you are appointed or nominated by the Council
Details of body and role nominated / appointed to
London Councils Leaders Committee
Capital Letters (London) Ltd. (“Capital Letters”) Boroughs’ Representative Body (BRB) - Chair
London Councils - Shadow Executive Member for Housing and Regeneration
Brick by Brick
Council Companies Board
8.3 Please provide details of any body (i) exercising functions of a public nature (ii) directed to charitable purposes or (iii) one of whose principal purposes includes the influence of public opinion or policy (including any political party or trade union) of which you are a member or in a position of general control or management.
Details of body and whether member / nature of position (as applicable)
Sanderstead Hall Association Ltd - Committee Member
Sanderstead Residents’ Association - Member
Sanderstead Horticultural Society – Member
Croydon Conservative Federation – Chairman
Magistrates’ Association – Member
Royal College of Podiatry – Retired Member

Part C - Other Interests

9.1 Please provide details of any other interests that you wish to register.
Details of other interests
Justice of the Peace, South West London
South East Cancer Help Centre – Referee

Part D - Gifts and Hospitality

10.1 Please provide details of any gift(s) or hospitality you have received, the value of which exceeds £50 or multiple gifts and/or instances of hospitality with a cumulative value of £50 or more when received from a single donor within a rolling twelve month period.
Person/Body from whom gift/hospitality received Nature and value of gift or hospitality and date(s) received
Mayor of Croydon Annual Dinner Oct 2021 – myself and my guest £49
Sunday 3rd September Croydon Medical Society Summer Party Refreshments estimated £10
BHLIVE- Fairfield Halls Hospitality 19 October 2023; Drink and Nibbles for delegates; less than £50
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust annual staff awards 16 November 2023; Dinner for all guests; Estimated Value: £20
Upahaar School of Dance 10th December 2023; Chrysanthemums as the Chief Guest for 20th Anniversary Celebration; less than £15
Fairfield Halls Hospitality 18th December 2023; VIP Tickets Ukraine National Symphony Orchestra; Value Unknown
Civic Mayor's Inaugural Dinner 19 July 2024; Dinner; Estimated value: £50
Croydon NHS Stars Network 14 November 2024; Dinner for all guests at awards event; Estimated Value £20
Croydon Tamil Community Organisation (CTCO) - Thai Pongal Celebrations 19 January 2025; small takeaway tub of food; Estimated Value: £10
10.2 Please provide details of any gift(s) or hospitality you have been offered and refused, the value of which exceeds £50 or multiple gifts and/or instances of hospitality with a cumulative value of £50 or more when received from a single donor within a twelve month rolling period.
Person/Body from whom gift/hospitality offered Nature and value of gift or hospitality and date(s) offered
None None