Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.
An archive of previous decisions taken by the council’s decision making bodies can be viewed on the council’s website.
In 2022 the Council made a submission to Tranche 2 of the Government’s Levelling Up Fund (LUF) to support delivery of a programme of highways and public realm improvements in and around Croydon town centre. Subsequently the Government announced that the bid had been allocated £18.5m in funding under Tranche 3 of the LUF. Alongside the Government Grant, £5.6m in match funding has been identified, bringing the total programme budget up to £24.1m.
In order to deliver the Programme to tight deadlines (including the requirement to commit LUF expenditure by 31st March 2026), achieve best value and secure appropriate technical expertise, procurement of external contractors is required.
The report sets out the overall approach to procurement activity and specifically seeks approval for procurement of a contractor to design and build a portfolio of highway and public realm projects across Croydon town centre and its hinterland. It includes details of the analysis of routes to market undertaken and the work to date that has informed the recommended approach.
Further reports will be brought forward as required for other elements of the Reconnected Croydon Programme.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 12/07/2024
Effective from: 23/07/2024
2.1 Approve the procurement strategy set out in this report which will lead to the appointment of a contractor called-off via the TfL STIC Framework to deliver design and build services as further described in this report for an estimated contract value of a likely forecast value as set out in Appendix H in the Part B report.
2.2 To note the wider context / full-picture contents of this report – which will be the subject of relevant governance procedures):
Portfolio #1 –as described in this report, utilising the existing TMC contract
Portfolio #3 – as described in this report, to be the subject of a procurement strategy report in late Summer/autumn 2024 after detailed specialist structural engineering design work has been accomplished.
Wards affected: Addiscombe West; Broad Green; Fairfield;
Lead officer: Hannah Doughty
This report recommends the disposal of the freehold interest of 21 Broom Road, Shirley, CR0 8NG. The objectives for the disposal were to secure maximum receipts, achieve offers on an unconditional basis with the lowest possible transactional risk and to target capital receipts with the preferred bidder as quickly as possible for the Council to reduce its outstanding debt. SHW undertook an open market process. A transparent and clear process was provided for parties to undertake their due diligence to ensure considered offers. SHW received six offers.
Details of the offers received and the marketing report are included within the confidential Part B report, as this is exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended), as it relates to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) and the public interest in withholding disclosure outweighs the public interest in disclosure
Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Resources (Section 151)
Decision published: 11/07/2024
Effective from: 10/07/2024
2.2 To approve the disposal of the freehold interest of 21 Broom Road, Shirley, CR0 8NG at the value stated in the confidential Part B report.
Wards affected: Shirley South;
Lead officer: Huw Rhys-Lewis
Oracle Improvement Consultancy Contract Award
This report seeks to approve a contract award to Mastek Limited for Oracle Cloud Fusion (My Resources) System Development Consultancy for a period of 2 years from July 2024 to June 2026 at a contract value set out in Part B.
The Council currently uses Oracle Cloud Fusion, which is referred to as My Resources within the Council, as our Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application, and it is one of the most critical IT systems used across the Council.
This report and recommendations address the following Council priorities 2020-2024:
· Sound financial management and sustainability
· Good customer service and operational delivery
· Good governance
· In addition to the above are the Mayoral Priorities of:
o Have a rigorous, continuous pressure on in-year departmental spending.
o Review and manage contracts better.
o Ensure value for money.
Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Resources (Section 151)
Decision published: 11/07/2024
Effective from: 19/07/2024
Approve the award of a contract called off from the Crown Commercial Services (CCS) Technology Services 3 Framework Lot 3B - Agreement ID RM6100 for the Oracle Cloud Fusion (My Resources) System Development Consultancy to Mastek Limited for up to a 2-year period commencing in July 2024 with a total contract value as set out in Part B.
Lead officer: Jane West
This report seeks approval to award a contract for the supply of Salt for Gritting Carriageway and Footways.
Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Sustainable Communities, Regeneration & Economic Recovery
Decision published: 10/07/2024
Effective from: 26/06/2024
2.1 to approve the award of a contract for the supply of winter de-icing salt via call off from the Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation (ESPO) framework agreement 220 De-Icing Salt & Associated Products/Services, for a term of two years with the option to extend for an additional one -year, up to the total value, and to the provider named in, the Part B report.
2.2 to note the supplier’s name will be released following contract award.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Rowland Gordon
The purpose of this decision report is to enable consideration of the objections received from members of the public following the statutory consultation process on the proposals to update the Emissions Based Parking Tariffs in the borough.
The Executive Mayor’s Business Plan sets the main policy drivers for the new parking policy to be fair, supportive, transparent and efficient and the proposed amendments to the parking charges helps to meet these aims. The new parking charges recognise that vehicles are increasingly more efficient, whilst not penalising the cost of the less efficient vehicles that may be more likely to be used by those that are less likely to be able to upgrade their vehicle.
Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Sustainable Communities, Regeneration & Economic Recovery
Decision published: 05/07/2024
Effective from: 16/07/2024
Resolved to:
1.1 Consider the objections and other submissions received to the notice of proposals at Appendix 3, which are included in full at Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 and summarised, along with officer responses to main themes, in section 5 of this report.
1.2 Agree the changes to parking charges and arrangements in the borough as set out in the notice of proposals in Appendix 3.
1.3 Delegate to the Road Space Manager, Sustainable Communities Directorate the authority to:
1.3.1 make the necessary Traffic Management Orders under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended) to implement the proposals at Appendix 3 from 16 July 2024.
1.3.2 comply with all other publication and procedural requirements to effect the proposed changes; and
1.3.3 inform all respondents of the decision, where possible.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Karen Agbabiaka
To approve the award of contract for Adult Advocacy Services to the Preferred Contractors and upon the terms detailed in the associated Part B report. The contract term will be for a period of seven (7) years, commencing on 1st October 2024. The total contract value for the full seven years (7) is for a maximum estimated total contract value of £2,262,000 This is an annual value of £348,000.00pa for two Lots which is as follows:
Lot 1 - £1,551,102 and Lot 2 - £884.898, over seven (7) years
The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care notes that the names of the successful Contractors will be published upon the conclusion of the standstill period required under regulation 87 of the Public Contract Regulations 2015.
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care
Decision published: 01/07/2024
Effective from: 09/07/2024
2.1 To approve the award of a contract for Adult Advocacy Services (Lot 1 Adult Advocacy covering Care Act, IMCA, Dols/RPR Advocacy; Lot 2 covering IMHA Advocacy for Adults with Mental Health) to the providers and for the contract values detailed in the associated Part B report, for a term of seven (7) years commencing on 01st October 2024
2.2 To note the names of the successful providers will be published upon the conclusion of the standstill period required under regulation 87 of the Public Contract Regulations 2015 and listed on the Councils Contract Register.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Thomas Taylor