
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

An archive of previous decisions taken by the council’s decision making bodies can be viewed on the council’s website.

Decisions published

18/10/2024 - Mayor of London Free School Meals Offer 2024/25 academic year ref: 2345    For Determination

This report to the Executive Mayor provides an update and requests a decision about the Mayor of London’s project to provide a free school meal for every primary school pupil for the academic year 2024-25. The programme is known by the title Universal Free School Meals (UFSM) Programme.


A decision is required to accept the grant award from the Greater London Authority (GLA) as well as the planned funding methodology for schools during the 2024-2025 Academic year.


Decision Maker: Executive Mayor

Decision published: 08/11/2024

Effective from: 19/11/2024




2.1to agree that the Universal Free School Meal allowance for pupils in Year’s 3-6 be funded at the rates as set out by the Greater London Authority, at a cost of £3.00 per pupil covering 190 days with a take up of 90%.


2.2to agree that whilst this marks a slight change in funding from the previous year, budget constraints set out the parameters for this alteration, and no other methodology would be suitable.


to note:


2.3that Croydon Council have petitioned the Greater London Authority that future funding allocations should be sought covering spring census data for years 2-5, rather than years 3-6 as is currently the case, to more closely reflect the number of children per year where this funding is targeted.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Luke Nunn

05/11/2024 - End User Services Contract Award ref: 2344    Recommendations Approved

The report seeks the approval to award a contract for the provision of the Council’s End User Services for a period of 5 years from 16 March 2025 to 15 March 2030, following a tender conducted using a government framework. The recommended supplier submitted a compliant tender, meeting the Council’s specification, delivering a social value offer and providing best value for money.


The contract will support the Council’s ICT priorities and will allow the Council to deliver a more modern ICT service for users. We are adopting a model that facilitates change at speed improving the agility and efficiency of the Council.


The use of the Council’s End User Services contract facilitates and supports every statutory service across the Council.


Decision Maker: Interim Assistant Chief Executive Officer

Decision published: 05/11/2024

Effective from: 13/11/2024




2.5  Approve the award of a contract for the provision of End User Services for     a period of 5 years commencing on 16 March 2025 to 15 March 2030 at   the contract value stated in the Part B report.


2.6  Note the contractor’s name and contract value will be published following contract award.


Lead officer: Fahid Ahmad

30/10/2024 - Scrutiny Stage 2 Responses to Recommendations arising from Scrutiny & Overview Committee on 14 October 2024 ref: 2338    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 30/10/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 01/11/2024

Effective from: 30/10/2024


Cabinet RESOLVED to;


2.1.1 Approve the responses and action plans attached to this report as Appendices 1, 2; and


2.1.2 Delegate authority to the officers identified in Appendices 1, 2, to report back to the Scrutiny and Overview Committee, or relevant Sub-Committee, within the periods specified in the agreed responses and action plans, and on progress made in implementing any action plan.

30/10/2024 - Principal Social Workers Annual Reports 2023-2024 ref: 2340    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 30/10/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 01/11/2024

Effective from: 30/10/2024




2.1.1. To note the Annual Report of the Principal Social Worker for Adult Social Care 2023-24 (as attached at Appendix A).


2.1.2. To note the Annual Report of the Principal Social Worker for Children’s Social Care 2023-24 (as attached at Appendix B).

30/10/2024 - Croydon Safeguarding Annual Reports 2023/24 (Adults Board (CSAB) and Children's Partnership (CSCP)) ref: 2339    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 30/10/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 01/11/2024

Effective from: 30/10/2024


Cabinet RESOLVED to;


2.1 Consider and note the Annual Reports of the Croydon Safeguarding Adult Board 2023-24 (as attached as Appendix 1)


2.2 Consider and note the Annual Report of the Croydon Safeguarding Children Partnership 2023-24 (as attached as Appendix 2).


2.3 Note the proposed development of the process of presenting annual reports for the CSAB, CSCP and Community Safety Partnership (as detailed in Sections 4.5 and 4.6 of this report).

30/10/2024 - Youth Justice Plan 2024/25 ref: 2341    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 30/10/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 01/11/2024

Effective from: 30/10/2024




2.1 To endorse the Youth Justice Plan 2024/25 (attached as Appendix A) and recommend to Full Council for approval.

30/10/2024 - Update on the Housing Transformation Programme ref: 2342    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 30/10/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 01/11/2024

Effective from: 30/10/2024


Cabinet RESOLVED to;


2.1 Note the progress (set out in sections 4 and 5) since March 2024 on the Housing Transformation Programme.

30/10/2024 - Procurement Pipeline ref: 2343    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 30/10/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 01/11/2024

Effective from: 30/10/2024




2.1 to note the 18-month Procurement Pipeline (as set out in Appendix A), planned Contract Extensions (as set out in Appendix B) and planned Contract Variations (as set out in Appendix C).


2.2 to note that decisions in relation to these contracts are now delegated in line with the Executive Mayor’s Scheme of Delegation and the Tender and Contracts Regulations 2024.