This report is to get approval for the award of a contract called off from the South East Consortium (SEC) Framework (Lot 10) Stock Condition services, to carry out stock condition surveys /reports to 100% of the housing stock over a period of 5 (4+1) years, for the maximum contract value to bidder (A) named/stated in the Part B.
This report sets out the award of a Stock Condition Survey contract which will create visibility of the condition of the Council’s Housing Revenue Account (HRA) stock, providing a robust evidential base for future investment and its value. This will also support the Council’s Housing priority that every home will meet the Decent Homes Standard.
On 6th July 2022, the Contracts and Commissioning Board (CCB) endorsed the recommended procurement strategy for delivery of the Stock Condition Surveying services contract in accordance with the approved procurement strategy report (ref: CCB1756/22-23).
On 12th December 2022 the Contracts and Commissioning Board (CCB) approved the recommendation to award the contract to Bidder B.
In December 2022 (CCB Ref:CCB1775/22-23) initial introductory and mobilisation meetings were held with Bidder B, upon conclusion it became apparent that Bidder B could not commit to the timescales and it proved difficult to agree contract requirements with them that were part of the ITT documents and set out in our initial meetings with them.
During this time, Bidder B then contacted the Head of Service for Asset Planning and Capital Delivery on 3rd February and expressed their intention to withdraw from the SCS contract – with no fault on either side, they then confirmed this in writing on 8th February.
Following withdrawal of the first placed bidder the framework providers have confirmed it is acceptable for LBC to approach the second-place bidder. LBC have double checked the evaluation scores to ensure they are correct.
The Housing Asset Planning team met with Bidder A and they were happy to proceed with Croydon based on the what was set out within the ITT pack. As the contract award process had been originally awarded to Bidder B, this meant the company could not start straight away and requested time to allocate sufficient resources as they had now been deployed to other contracts but they could mobilise in May and kick off the contract in June 2023.
This contract is fully HRA funded and will be paid for from the Capital Programme.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure > £1,000,000;
Decision status: For Determination
Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/05/2023
Anticipated restriction: Part exempt - View reasons
Financial Impact: Expenditure or savings of up to £5,000,000;
Decision due: Not before 28th Jun 2023 by Corporate Director of Housing
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Homes
Lead director: Corporate Director of Housing
Department: Housing Directorate
Contact: Kevin Hartshorn, Interim Head of Asset Planning & Capital Delivery Email: