This report proposes that a joint procurement of the two floating support contract with a new recommended referral pathway that will support early engagement to prevent demand on statutory services and maximizes independence. The service provides support services to vulnerable Croydon residents of over the age of 18 years with Mental Health needs, learning disability and or Autism support to sustain their tenancies, either in independent housing or within supported accommodation. With the key aim to avoid crisis escalation through one-to-one key worker support which is underpinned in the principles of Trauma Informed Practice. Also, for the council to continue to meet its statutory duty under the Care Act 2014 to improve people’s independence and wellbeing. Along with the Homeless Reduction Act 2017 authorities to intervene earlier to prevent homelessness and to take reasonable steps to relieve homelessness for all eligible applicants.
The purpose of the report is to seek approval for joint competitive procurement of floating support service for vulnerable adults and disabilities and or Autism with two Lots. The contract period will be for 10 years term from 1st October 2024:
· LOT One (1) Disability and or Autism Floating Support and Accommodation.
· LOT Two (2) Vulnerable Adults Floating Support Service.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure > £1,000,000;
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 08/03/2024
Anticipated restriction: Part exempt - View reasons
Financial Impact: Expenditure or savings of over £5,000,000;
Decision due: Not before 8th Apr 2024 by Corporate Director of Adult Social Care & Health
Lead member: Councillor Yvette Hopley, Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care
Lead director: Corporate Director of Adult Social Care & Health
Department: Adult Social Care Directorate
Contact: Shirley Moyes, Strategic Commissioning Manager for Mental Health Email: Email: