Issue details

Children's Home Procurement Strategy

The report sets out proposals for the development of a new Children’s Home in the borough. The refurbishment works are funded by DfE capital funding and the asset we are currently developing for this purpose is a 4-bed property located in Sanderstead (Phase 1). The next phase of the project (Phase 2) is to commission an experienced Service Provider to run the home and deliver registered services to ensure that Croydon children with complex needs can continue to live within the borough.


Some of our children looked after can present with complex and challenging behaviour and we know they would benefit from a different approach – an evidence-based, clinically informed approach, which sees them being supported by a highly skilled multi-disciplinary team, offering a whole system approach to holistically support their needs. The aim will be to provide a positive episode that will enable them to move on - either home to extended family or another form of stable foster care.


The decision required will be to approve the commissioning intentions and procurement strategy detailed in this report, which will lead to the award of a contract to a Service Provider to run the Children’s Home and deliver registered services, for a duration of a maximum of 7 years with a total contract value of £10,920,000.


Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £1,000,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Sanderstead;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 27/09/2024

Decision due: Not before 28th Oct 2024 by Cabinet Member for Children and Young People

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Children and Young People

Lead director: Corporate Director of Children, Young People & Education

Department: Children, Young People & Education Directorate

Contact: David Fry, Strategic Commissioning Lead Sufficiency and Children in Care Email: Email:
