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Adoption Panel
Appeals Committee
Appointments & Disciplinary Committee
Appointments (Investigating and Disciplinary) Sub-Committee
Appointments Committee
Appointments Sub-Committee (Archived)
Audit & Governance Committee
Audit Advisory Committee (Archived)
Bandon Hill Cemetery Joint Committee
Children & Families Partnership
Civic Mayoralty & Honorary Freedom Selection Committee
Community Services & Safety Scrutiny Sub-Committee (Archived)
Corporate Parenting Board
Corporate Services Committee (Archived)
Croydon & Lewisham Street Lighting Joint Committee
Croydon Adult Social Services Users' Panel
Croydon Advisory Forum on Active, Sustainable and Accessible Transport
Croydon Arnhem Working Group
Croydon Growth Board
Cycle Forum
Education Scrutiny Sub-Committee (Archived)
Ethics Committee
Extraordinary Meeting of the Council
Fostering Panel
General Purposes & Audit Committee
General Purposes & Audit Committee - Mayoralty & Honorary Freedom Selection Sub-Committee
General Purposes & Audit Committee - Urgency Sub-Committee
General Purposes Committee
General Purposes Urgency Sub-Committee
Health & Wellbeing Board
Health- Social Care & Housing Scrutiny Sub-Committee (Archived)
Housing Disability Panel
Licensing Committee
Licensing Sub-Committee
Local Strategic Partnership
Members' Learning & Development Panel
Members' Library
Mobility Forum
Pension Board
Pension Committee
Planning Committee
Planning Sub-Committee
Public Notice of Meetings
Public Transport Liaison Panel
Safer Croydon Partnership
Safer Neighbourhood Board
Schools Forum
Scrutiny & Overview Committee
Scrutiny & Strategic Overview Committee (Archived)
Scrutiny Children & Young People Sub-Committee
Scrutiny Health & Social Care Sub-Committee
Scrutiny Homes Sub-Committee
Scrutiny Streets & Environment Sub-Committee
Shadow Health & Well-Being Board (Croydon) (Archived)
Sheltered Housing Panel
South East London Joint Health & Overview Scrutiny Committee
South London Partnership Joint Committee
South London Waste Partnership Joint Committee
South West London Joint Health & Overview Scrutiny Committee
Staff Partnership Panel
Standards Committee (Archived)
Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education
Strategic Planning Committee (Archived)
Streets and Environment Scrutiny Sub-Committee (Archived)
Stronger Communities Board
Tenant & Leaseholder Panel
Traffic Management Advisory Committee
Traffic Management Cabinet Committee (Archived)
Transforming Croydon Cabinet Committee (Archived)
Non Pecuniary
Personal and Prejudicial
Agboola, Councillor Kola Agboola
Appleton, Councillor Jade Appleton
Bains, Councillor Jeet Bains
Barrett, Councillor Tamar Barrett
Ben-Hassel, Councillor Leila Ben-Hassel
Bennett, Councillor Sue Bennett
Benson, Councillor Adele Benson
Bird, Councillor Margaret Bird
Bonham, Councillor Claire Bonham
Brew, Councillor Simon Brew
Campbell, Councillor Janet Campbell
Carserides, Councillor Louis Carserides
Chatterjee, Councillor Richard Chatterjee
Chowdhury, Councillor Sherwan Chowdhury
Clark, Councillor Chris Clark
Collins, Councillor Stuart Collins
Creatura, Councillor Mario Creatura
Cummings, Councillor Jason Cummings
Cummings, Councillor Patsy Cummings
Davis, Councillor Rowenna Davis
Degrads, Councillor Nina Degrads
Denton, Councillor Danielle Denton
Dwesar, Councillor Samir Dwesar
Fish, Councillor Lara Fish
Fitzsimons, Councillor Sean Fitzsimons
Flemming, Councillor Alisa Flemming
Foster, Councillor Amy Foster
Fox, Councillor Simon Fox
Fraser, Councillor Clive Fraser
Gander, Councillor Gayle Gander
Gatland, Councillor Maria Gatland
Graham, Councillor Brigitte Graham
Griffiths, Councillor Matt Griffiths
Hale, Councillor Lynne Hale
Hammersley-Rich, Councillor Jessica Hammersley-Rich
Hay-Justice, Councillor Patricia Hay-Justice
Henson, Councillor Maddie Henson
Herman, Councillor Christopher Herman
Hopley, Councillor Yvette Hopley
Islam, Councillor Mohammed Islam
Jewitt, Councillor Karen Jewitt
Johnson, Councillor Mark Johnson
Kabir, Councillor Humayun Kabir
King, Councillor Stuart King
Kolade, Councillor Ola Kolade
Lee, Councillor Joseph Lee
Llabuti, Councillor Endri Llabuti
Mollyneaux, Councillor Enid Mollyneaux
Nabukeera, Councillor Stella Nabukeera
Neal, Councillor Michael Neal
O'Dame, Councillor Eunice O'Dame
Parker, Councillor Ian Parker
Patel, Councillor Ria Patel
Pearson, Councillor Tony Pearson
Perry, Mayor Jason Perry
Ponnuthurai, Councillor Ellily Ponnuthurai
Price, Councillor Andrew Price
Ramsey, Councillor Holly Ramsey
Redfern, Councillor Helen Redfern
Reshekaron, Councillor Chrishni Reshekaron
Roche, Councillor Scott Roche
Shahul-Hameed, Councillor Dr Manju Shahul-Hameed
Shortland, Councillor Luke Shortland
Srinivasan, Councillor Appu Srinivasan
Stewart, Councillor Alasdair Stewart
Stranack, Councillor Andy Stranack
Sutton, Councillor Esther Sutton
Thampi, Councillor Nikhil Sherine Thampi
Ward, Councillor Robert Ward
Wilson, Councillor Catherine Wilson
Young, Councillor Callton Young OBE
Zaman, Councillor Fatima Zaman
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period