General exception notice

Notice of General Exception - Waste and Street Cleansing Fleet Capital Provision  (02/12/2024 to 31/03/2025, Democratic Services)

Plan items
No. Item


Waste and Street Cleansing Fleet Capital Provision New!

Decision maker:  Executive Mayor

Decision due:   Not before 10th Dec 2024

Lead officer:  Karen Agbabiaka

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/12/2024

This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.

Reason for urgency:
The original Cabinet report Sept 2024 highlighted the Capital requirement for the new waste fleet. In reviewing the councils Capital provision this is no longer advisable in year 1 (2025/26) as such a revised Capital profiled spend is required.

The contractor, Veolia needs to place orders with their manufacturers / suppliers for the provision of the new fleets. Decision needs to be taken on the 10th December 2024.

Anticipated restriction: Open  -