Brief history: The fund was set up following a legacy in 1934 of land, including a bungalow, known as "Haling Grove", which was left to the National Playing Fields Association (now called Fields in Trust). The late Eleanor Shorter was a resident of Croydon. NPFA/FIT asked the Croydon Playing Fields Association to supervise this play area. The bungalow on the land housed the then Chief Officer of Parks. The bungalow was eventually sold raising capital. The capital of the Fund cannot be touched.
However, the interest from the amount raised by the sale of the bungalow at Haling Grove became the basis for setting up the Trustee Committee consisting of representatives of NPFA (now FIT, CPFA and Croydon Council. The Custodian Trustee is the National Playing fields Association/FIT. The Managing Trustees are empowered to use the interest from the capital to maintain and develop playing fields/open land in Croydon including Haling Grove Park, Croydon the property of the National Playing Fields association/FIT.
Aim of the organisation: The aim of Eleanor Shorter Fund is to maintain and improve the facilities at Haling Grove grounds.