Decision details

Libraries Consultation Phase 2 Results (To Follow)

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommmend Forward to Council

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


The Leader of the Council delegated authority to the Cabinet to make the following decisions:




1                 Consider the outcome of the consultation for second phase and the considerations arising from the consultation as detailed within the report and appendices to the report including in relation to the Public Sector Equality Duty, the Equality Assessment and the recommended option following consultation;


2                 Consider the assessment regarding delivery of a statutory Library Service in accordance with the requirements of Section 7 of the Libraries and Museums Act 1964 if option one is recommended to Full Council for approval;


3                 Agree to recommend to Full Council that it:


3.1           Consider the outcome of the consultation and the consultation responses as set out in Appendix 1 and the assessment of those responses.

3.2           Consider the equalities assessment at Appendix 2 and the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) requirements under Section 149 of the Equalities Act 2010 as detailed in paragraph 10;

3.3           Consider the assessment regarding the Council’s ability to deliver a statutory library service in accordance with the requirements of Section 7 of the Libraries and Museums Act 1964 if the recommended option is agreed;

3.4           Having due regard to the contents of Appendices 1 and 2 and the assessment referenced in 1.3.3, agree that it implement changes to the statutory Library service by reducing hours by an average of 21% across the borough as detailed in paragraphs 3.13 achieving £506,980 of savings.


4.               Note that a delegation will be sought from Full Council regarding the implementation of the recommended option and further engagement with service users of the boroughs’ 13 Libraries regarding the implementation at individual sites.


5.               Note the intention for officers to commence further work to assess income generating opportunities and efficiencies within the Libraries service as detailed in paragraphs 5.4 of the report.

Report author: Sarah Hayward

Publication date: 24/08/2021

Date of decision: 16/08/2021

Decided at meeting: 16/08/2021 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: