Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
1.1. Consider the responses to the budget engagement with residents and statutory consultation with businesses (set out in Section 10 of this report and detailed more fully in Appendix J).
1.2. Consider and have due regard to the equalities impact assessment undertaken on the budget proposals as set out in Appendix N.
1.3. Approve the responses to the Scrutiny and Overview Committee recommendations (to follow after publication of this report – Appendix O) on the budget proposals as set out in Section 20.
1.4. Approve that (subject to Full Council approving the budget and any further decisions required of the Executive) that Corporate Directors be authorised to implement their respective growth and savings proposals for 2024-25 in accordance with the recommendations within this report, the Council's Constitution, Financial Regulations, relevant Schemes of Delegation and undertake any further consultation required, including regarding the Equalities Impacts of specific decisions within the Budget envelope as approved by Full Council.
1.5. Propose to Full Council for approval an increase in the Croydon element of the 2024-25 council tax charge by 2.99% (Band D £53.98).
1.6. Propose to Full Council for approval a 2% increase (Band D £36.11) in the 2024-25 Adult Social Care precept levy.
1.7. Note, based on the Mayor of London’s draft consolidated budget, a proposed 8.58% (Band D £37.26) increase regarding the Greater London Authority precept.
1.8. Propose to Full Council for approval, the calculation of budget requirement and council tax as set out in Appendix I and note that the inclusion of the GLA precept will result in a total increase of 5.69% (Band D £127.35) in the overall Croydon council tax bill.
1.9. Propose to Full Council for approval the setting of the Council’s own total net expenditure budget for 2024-25 at £361.267m.
1.10. Propose to Full Council for approval the detailed programme of revenue savings, income, demand pressures and legacy budget corrections, by directorate, as set out in Appendix C.
1.11. Propose to Full Council the proposed £5m budget in 2024-25 to support delivery of the transformation programme.
1.12. Propose to Full Council the Reserves Policy set out in Appendix M.
1.13. Propose to Full Council for approval that the Corporate Director of Resources be authorised to collect and recover National Non-Domestic Rate and council tax in accordance with the Local Government Finance Act 1988 (as amended) and the Local Government Finance Act 1992.
1.14. Note the revenue budget assumptions detailed in the report and budget projections to 2027- 28 made by the Corporate Director of Resources in agreement with the Chief Executive and with the Corporate Management Team.
1.15. Note the Council’s request for a Capitalisation Direction from the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities [DLUHC] of up to £38m for 2024-25, £9.439m relating to 2019-20 and current assumption that up to a further £38m per annum in exceptional financial support will be required for future years.
1.16. Note that all Directors will be required to report on their projected financial position compared to their revenue estimates in accordance with the 2024-25 monthly financial performance reporting timetable.
1.17. Note the statement (Appendix K of the Report) of the Corporate Director of Resources and S151 Officer, under Section 25 of the Local Government Act 2003, regarding the adequacy of reserves and robustness of estimates.
1.18. Note that the provisional Dedicated Schools Grant allocation for 2024-25 will increase by £28.583m to £466.825m (section 12 of the Report).
1.19. Propose to Full Council that the necessary determinations are made as billing authority under Section 11B of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 for financial year 2024- 2025 to the effect that where permitted, for dwellings that have been unoccupied and substantially unfurnished for a period of at least one year the amount of Council Tax will be increased by 100% where the period is less than 5 years, by 200% where the period is at least 5 years but less than 10 years, and by 300% where the period is at least 10 years, and that the discount under Section 11(2)(a) shall not apply.
1.20. Propose to Full Council that the necessary determinations are made under Section 11C of the Local government Finance Act 1992 as billing authority for financial year 2025-2026 to the effect that where permitted, for dwellings where there is no resident of the dwelling and the dwelling is substantially furnished, the amount of Council Tax will be increased by 100%, and the discount under Section 11(2)(a) shall not apply.
1.21. Propose to Full Council that the Council Tax Support scheme (statutory local council tax reduction scheme) under Section 13A(2) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 is not changed from that agreed by Full Council resolution on 1st March 2023.
Publication date: 22/02/2024
Date of decision: 14/02/2024
Decided at meeting: 14/02/2024 - Cabinet
Effective from: 23/02/2024
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