Decision details

Month 9 Financial Performance Report

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No




1.1.         Note the General Fund revenue budget outturn is forecast to be balanced at Month 9.


1.2.         Note the forecast elimination of the planned contribution to General Fund Reserves of £6.9m for 2022/23.


1.3.         Note that a further number of risks and compensating opportunities may materialise which could see the forecast change.


1.4.         To approve the progress of the MTFS savings as indicated within Table 4 and detailed in Appendix 3.


1.5.         Note the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) is projecting an end of year position of a £0.918m overspend.


1.6.         Note the Capital Programme spend to date for the General Fund of £18.296m (against a budget of £253.936m) with a projected forecast underspend of £17.488m for the end of the year.


1.7.         Note the Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme spend to date of £14.101m (against a budget of £27.357m), with a projected forecast underspend of £1.897m for the end of the year.


1.8.         Note, the above figures are predicated on forecasts from Month 9 to the year end and therefore could be subject to change as forecasts are made based on the best available information at this time.


1.9.         Note, the Council continues to operate a Spend Control Panel to ensure that tight financial control and assurance oversight are maintained A new financial management culture is being implemented across the organisation through increased scrutiny, such as the monthly assurance meetings, improved communication and budget manager training from CIPFA.

Publication date: 30/03/2023

Date of decision: 22/03/2023

Decided at meeting: 22/03/2023 - Cabinet

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