Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Katharine Street, Croydon CR0 1NX
Contact: Kenny Uzodike, Democratic Services Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 17 April 2024 as an accurate record.
Minutes: RESOLVED The minutes of the Council meeting on 17 April 2024 were agreed as an accurate record subject to an amendment to correct the error in Councillor Matt Griffith's name.
Disclosure of Interests Members are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests (DPIs) they may have in relation to any item(s) of business on today’s agenda. Minutes: There were none.
Appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair of Council for the Municipal Year 2024-25 Council will hear a short speech from the outgoing Chair of Council, after which Council will receive nominations and vote on the Chair and Vice-Chair of Council for the municipal year 2024-25.
Minutes: Before seeking nominations for the position of Chair and Vice-Chair of Council for the 2024-25 Municipal Year, the Civic Mayor reflected on the privilege and honour of serving and thanked various individuals and groups for their support and contributions, including the mayoral office, the concierge team, Democratic Services, Deputy Civic Mayor, Councillor Appu Srinivasan, the Board of Trustees, his Mayoress Maria Pearson, and his family. He expressed satisfaction with engaging local people, especially the youth, in council workings and history.
The Deputy Civic Mayor, Councillor Appu Srinivasan also expressed gratitude for the co-operation and support during his term. He thanked the Civic Mayor, community leaders, faith leaders, voluntary associations, and his family and reflected on the pride and optimism for Croydon's future and the trust placed in him.
Mayor Jason Perry nominated Councillor Kola Agboola as Chair of Council and Civic Mayor, and Councillor Richard Chatterjee as Vice-Chair of Council and Deputy Civic Mayor for the upcoming municipal year.
He Highlighted Councillor Agboola’s commitment to faith, family, and education, particularly at Meridian High School and anticipated Councillor Agboola’s effective leadership and focus on celebrating the talents and achievements of Croydon's residents.
In seconding the motion, the Leader of the Opposition, Councillor Stuart King, praised Councillor Agboola, highlighting his impactful presence in New Addington, where he had served since 2020, and noted his historic appointment as Croydon's first African Civic Mayor. Councillor King expressed confidence in Agboola's success and extended best wishes to Councillor Agboola and his consort, Helen, for a prosperous year of public service. Additionally, Councillor King supported the nomination of Councillor Richard Chatterjee as Deputy Civic Mayor, commending his courteous nature and expressing confidence in his ability to support Councillor Agboola effectively.
It was put to the vote and Council RESOLVED, unanimously to appoint Councillors Kola Agboola and Richard Chatterjee to the roles of Civic Mayor and Deputy Civic Mayor for the 2024-25 Municipal Year.
The Chair then retired to the parlour followed by the procession. There was a short adjournment while Councillors Kola Agboola changed into the Mayoral robes, after which the Mayoral procession returned. Councillor Kola Agboola then made and signed his declaration of acceptance of office before the Corporate Director for Finance, who was representing the Chief Executive. Councillor Richard Chatterjee also made and signed his declaration of acceptance of office before the Corporate Director for Finance. Mayor Jason Perry commended Councillor Tony Pearson for his exceptional service as Civic Mayor, noting his promptness, efficiency, and dedication to the community, especially New Addington. Highlights of his term included leading civic events and raising over £25,000 for local charities. He said that Councillor Pearson’s leadership was marked by fairness and firmness. Gratitude was also extended to his wife, Maria, for her support, and to Councillor Appu Srinivasan, who dedicated his role as Deputy Civic Mayor to his late mother and was praised for his advocacy for the Indian community. Both were thanked for their significant contributions to the community and council. The Leader of the ... view the full minutes text for item 123/24 |
Political Balance of the Council and Composition of Committees This report fulfils the Council’s duty to review and determine the representation of different political groups on certain committees at its annual meeting or as soon as practicable thereafter. The subsequent duty to make appointments to those committees, giving effect to the wishes of the political groups allocated the seats, is dealt with in a separate report to be considered by Council at this meeting.
Minutes: The Chair moved the amended recommendations. Councillor Luke Shortland seconded the motion and Council RESOLVED to:
2.1 Note that the Council was comprised of 34 Labour Group members, 34 Conservative Group members (including the Executive Mayor), two Green Group members, and one Liberal Democrat member; and,
2.2 Agree the size of committees and the allocation of seats on committees as set out in the report subject to the following amendments to paragraph 6.2 of the report:
1. The 12 seats available on the Licensing Committee would be allocated as follows:
· Conservative Group: - 6 · Labour Group: - 6 · Green Group - 0 · Lib Dem Independent Member - 0
2. The 7 seats available on the Audit and Governance Committee would be allocated as follows:
· Conservative Group: - 2 · Labour Group: - 3 · Green Group - 1 · Lib Dem Independent Member – 1.
This report sets out appointments to committees and bodies and, where applicable, appointments of Chairs, Vice/Deputy-Chairs, and substitutes.
The appointments will be listed in appendices which will be published as supplements to this paper.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair moved the recommendations as contained in the report, which was seconded by Councillor Luke Shortland, and Council RESOVED to:
2.1 Make appointments to committees giving effect to the wishes of the relevant political groups as set out in Appendix A to this report, where political balance rules apply;
2.2 Make appointments to other committees, panels, working groups, boards and outside bodies as set out in Appendix B to this report;
2.3 Agree the suspension of paragraph 2.3 of the Non-Executive Procedure Rules (Part 4F of the Constitution) for the 2023/24 municipal year;
2.4 Wherever applicable, to appoint Chairs and Vice/Deputy-Chairs and substitutes to those non-executive committees detailed in Appendix A to this report, without prejudice to the provisions set out in paragraph 2.4 of Part 4F of the Constitution, which would continue to apply enabling in-year vacancies to either the Chair or Vice/Deputy-Chair to be filled by election at the first meeting of the relevant committee or sub-committee, following notification to the Monitoring Officer;
2.5 Receive, for information, the following executive appointments made by the directly elected Mayor;
ii) The appointments to Joint Committees (as appropriate) (Appendix A);
2.6 Receive, for information:
i) The appointments by the directly elected Mayor to those outside bodies, which relate to the exercise of an executive function (marked (*) as detailed in Appendix B);
iii) The appointments of political party group officers (Appendix A).
The Executive Mayor's Scheme of Delegation This item is for the Executive Mayor to notify Council of any changes to his Scheme of Delegation.
Minutes: Mayor Jason Perry informed Council that there would be an amendment to his Scheme of Delegation and it would mark a shift towards a more positive phase of service delivery after addressing inherited challenges. He stated that under the updated scheme, future Cabinet meetings would include votes for Cabinet members at the conclusion of relevant agenda items.
He stated that this change signified the Council's progress from crisis management towards normal operations. Mayor Perry expressed anticipation for the transformation of services and indicated that details of the updated scheme would be shared with all Members soon.
The Mayor's Annual Statement This item is for Council to receive a statement from the Executive Mayor reflecting on the previous year and outlining his priorities for the year ahead.
The Leader of the largest group of which the Executive Mayor is not a Member will be invited to respond.
Minutes: Mayor Jason Perry presented his annual statement to Council and expressed satisfaction with the progress made so far. He highlighted efforts to address the Council's financial challenges and provide strong governance, resulting in positive recognition from the government. Mayor Perry emphasised the transformational steps taken, including amendments to the scheme of delegation to enhance Council operations. He outlined achievements in housing, economic partnerships, and community engagement, underscoring ongoing efforts to rebuild trust and improve services.
He stated that one of the major achievements was that, despite financial challenges, the debt had been kept stable and Croydon had even operated under budget for the past financial year due to careful spending plans. He also listed the following as a few of the achievements over the last year:
· The introduction of Blitz Clean-up Campaigns both in Norbury and Thornton Heath. · New playgrounds across the borough apart the playground investment with four to five new ones every year. · Reintroduction of the Public Space Protection Order in Thornton Heath. · The Launch of a Young Entrepreneurs Academy, · Commissioning the resident survey and publication of the results. · Actively supporting the development of family hubs. The development of a three-year plan to tackle violence against women and guards. Several grants to outreach youth programmes. · The launch of the Corporate Parenting Strategy and the Joint Protocol with Housing to support Croydon’s care experienced young people. · The publication of the Dementia Strategy and Action Plan · The introduction of the Housing Strategy and development of the suite of strategies that sit below it. · A planning application received for a new leisure centre on the Purley Pool site and the regeneration of the surrounding area. · Partnership with the Lawn Tennis Association and Greenwich Leisure to revive 32 courts across 14 parks and four new all-weather cricket pitches in partnership with English Cricket.
Mayor Perry further stated that the Deputy Mayor for Business in London, Howard Dawber, had highlighted during a recent visit that Croydon was a top investment priority due to its substantial potential. Additionally, he reported that the establishment of an Economic Growth Charter with London Gatwick, which had contributed £265 million to Croydon's economy in 2023 and created over 3,600 local jobs. He expressed his anticipation of more agreements like this in the future.
He said that according to the latest report from the Improvement and Assurance Panel, the Chairman noted significant advancements across various domains, such as financial management, governance, and the enhancement of council housing. This progress was achieved amidst challenges like increasing costs and the growing demand for services, particularly in supporting vulnerable children and adults. The panel specifically praised the dedication to addressing financial issues and highlighted resolute decision-making in achieving these goals. Furthermore, the report acknowledged that strategic appointments to the Council's senior leadership team had positively influenced the organization's culture.
Mayor Perry reaffirmed his commitment to transparency and accountability, promising continued dedication to Croydon's residents and future development.
The Leader of the Opposition, Councillor Stuart King, responding to the Mayor’s Annual Statement acknowledged ... view the full minutes text for item 127/24 |