Venue: F10, Town Hall, Katharine Street, Croydon CR0 1NX. View directions
Contact: Michelle Ossei-Gerning
020 8726 6000 x84246
No. | Item |
Minutes of the previous meeting To approve the minutes of the meetings held on:
- Wednesday 18 January 2023 - Wednesday 15 March 2023
as an accurate record.
Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meetings held on Wednesday 18 January 2023 and Wednesday 15 March 2023 were agreed as an accurate record.
Disclosures of interest Members are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests (DPIs) and other registrable and non-registrable interests they may have in relation to any items(s) of business on today’s agenda.
Minutes: There were none.
Urgent Business (if any) To receive notice of any business not on the agenda which in the opinion of the Chair, by reason of special circumstances, be considered as a matter of urgency.
Minutes: There was none. |
Update on actions agreed at previous meeting(s) Minutes:
The Service Manager, Adam Fearon-Stanley, updated the Panel in relation to the Quality and Safety Review regarding Children in Care with Disabilities and Complex Needs (item heard in the January Corporate Parenting Panel meeting) that the service was working on a scope to provide the special outcomes and measures, and progress within the work that was understandable. This included the gaps identified within the report. Further, the Panel heard that Phase 2 had been published regarding the Doncaster case. |
Update from Children in Care Council - E.M.P.I.R.E. To receive a verbal update from E.M.P.I.R.E
Minutes: The EMPIRE representative Layjay Taylor, updated the Panel highlighting that:
- A young person became a champion for the National Care Leavers Forum following a two-day event in Leeds. This young person was supported by staff during the event. The young person had spoken to sixty managers from all local authority across the UK where the young person spoke very well providing her own experience and public speaking. Feedback from the sessions were positive with lots of reflection from the experience.
- There was a session for young people to meet with different employees to have 1-2-1 job interviews at the Edison Hotel, this aimed to give the young people opportunities for careers choices. Others career choices included football industry viewings amongst more.
The Panel welcomed the update and congratulated the young person on their achievement and success in this opportunity and credited their public speaking. The Panel further gave appreciation to the supporting staff who was present throughout.
In response to the question relating to the training young people were given for public speaking, the Panel heard that staff at EMPIRE provide public speaking training support, additional support was provided using clips from YouTube, encouragement and 1-2-1 support was also provided to the young person on the day. Further, at EMPIRE, weekly training sessions which was monthly themed were provided within their sessions. |
Draft Corporate Parenting Strategy 23-25 This report outlines key aspects of a proposed Draft three-year Corporate Parenting Strategy 23-25 with a new Draft Terms of Reference. Minutes: The Corporate Parenting Panel considered the Draft Corporate Parenting Strategy 2023-2025 report which outlined key aspects of a proposed Draft three-year Corporate Parenting Strategy 23-25 with a new Draft Terms of Reference.
The Chair of the Panel shared with members that the Department had a recent visit from Mark Riddell from the DFE who was looking into the work done by Childrens Social Care to support our Care Leavers. He had also visited a number of other Councils. He recognised the changes to the Corporate Parenting Panel as positive but we need to do more for our Care Leavers not only in Childrens Social Care a "Whole Council " approach was needed. Following his meeting with a number of our Care Leavers and discussions with senior officers he shared his recommendations. Present at the meeting were the Executive Mayor, the CEO, the Director of Childrens Social Care and the Lead Member among others.
The Panel received a presentation from the Service Manager, Adam Fearon-Stanley who shared the work the service had engaged in with the young people. Adam highlighted that all children deserved to be cared for, respected, listened to and supported, to feel safe and loved. All children deserved an opportunity and support to grow into happy and successful adults. As corporate parents, it was the responsibility to be supportive parent in times when birth, adoptive parents or carers were unable to fulfil the role, additionally to be corporate grandparents. This responsibility was for the whole council and partnership approach council staff and elected members and partners.
The Panel further heard that the voice of the children and young people often involved the engagement of activities. The service had established the Sunday Service, which was an opportunity for Children in Care Council (CICC) to get together. Over the last six months the service recognised how to widen focused participation approach: i.e. focus group for virtual college; permeance group; Corporate Parenting Panel Co-Chair; also work around the locking-bird model – in supporting fostering and how the service received feedback of their experience. This would include CICC working with different teams. The service envisaged to expand the team and continue to deliver and provide strength in support and management.
As part of the Corporate Parenting Strategy, the Subject Expert, Jane Scott shared with the Panel the four priority areas as mentioned within the report which were: Housing; Education, Employment, Training; Permanence Stability; and Health and Adult Transitions.
The Panel deliberated in detail the four priorities by discussing three main points: (1) were the priorities the right approaches to improving this area; (2) were the priorities the right measures to understand improvement and impact; and (3) what priorities were considered should be focussed in years 1/2/3 of the Strategy.
In summary, the Panel discussed that:
Health and Adult Transitions: showed a positive approach in improvement within this area, though challenged how access would be measured for young people, SEN and other groups. The basic right for a young person that entered care was ... view the full minutes text for item 26/23 |
Children in Care Performance Scorecard The Children in Care Performance Scorecard for March 2023 is attached.
Minutes: The Corporate Parenting Panel considered the Children in Care Performance Scorecard. The Director of Children Services, Roisin Madden highlighted that:
- CLA15 (up-to-date pathway plans for 16 years and under) – had dropped by 3% from amber to red which was poor. This was due to current staffing issues.
- CL a (up-to-date pathway plans for 18-25 year olds) – showed 84% though sitting in amber, the relationship was far more better as it was more young person led.
In response to the question from the Panel relating to staffing within the service, the Panel heard that all positions in the service were filled, though there was budget to recruit more staff as required who had the right attitude and approach with working with young people.
In response to the question from the Panel relating to the issues of pathways plans and the service’s solution, the Panel heard that a pathway plan was a relationship between the young people and the professional which were often planned or scheduled in advance, this included writing about the young person with a combination of relationship building, knowledge, skills and discipline. As the plan was the voice of the young person it was to be created in real time. Subsequently, robust conversations with professionals leading the pathway plans were being had.
The Panel further heard that the Independent Reviewing Officers had engaged with 16+ managers to change the culture and working relationships in the meaning and practice of the pathway plans. This helped strengthen the work by using the resolution approach which had been useful.
In response to the question from the Panel relating to how the service was doing better to engage with harder to reach young people, the Panel heard that some young people often go missing or refuse to engage which they had the right to, though this was not the reason the statistics had dropped by 3%. The numbers were based on the volume of completed Pathway Plans.
The Chair requested for the Panel to continue to have an update on Pathway Plans and have a strong narrative in the upcoming Panel meeting.
How has the Panel helped Children in Care today? For the panel to consider how its work at the meeting will improve services for children in care. Minutes: The Panel collectively noted that the Corporate Parenting Strategy would have a positive impact in contributing a better service for the children in care and experienced care leavers of Croydon.
The Chair thanked the officers in Children Services and the Panel for their work today and during the municipal year and looked forward to the work planned for the care experienced young people and care leavers.
Exclusion of the Press and Public The following motion is to be moved and seconded where it is proposed to exclude the press and public from the remainder of a meeting:
“That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information falling within those paragraphs indicated in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended.”
Minutes: This was not required. |