Venue: F10, Town Hall, Katharine Street, Croydon CR0 1NX. View directions
Contact: Michelle Ossei-Gerning
020 8726 6000 x84246
No. | Item |
Minutes of the previous meeting To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 18 January 2023 as an accurate record. [To Follow]
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 18 January 2023 will be considered at the April meeting. |
Disclosures of interest Members are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests (DPIs) and other registrable and non-registrable interests they may have in relation to any items(s) of business on today’s agenda.
Minutes: Councillor Tamar Barrett declared an interest in a community event involvement that addresses the voice of the child in relation to domestic violence.
Urgent Business (if any) To receive notice of any business not on the agenda which in the opinion of the Chair, by reason of special circumstances, be considered as a matter of urgency.
Minutes: There was none. |
Update on actions agreed at previous meeting(s) Minutes: There was a request for an action plan to be presented at the next Panel meeting in relation to the gaps identified in the Quality and Safety Review re Children in Care with Disabilities and Complex Needs report received at the January Panel meeting. |
Update from Children in Care Council - E.M.P.I.R.E A verbal update from Children in Care Council – E.M.P.I.R.E Minutes: The Corporate Parenting Panel received an update from Porsha Robinson from EMPIRE of the recent activities the young people had participated in. This included taking part and sitting on nineteen interview panels for recruitment; this involvement aided to help in a number of personal skills.
Additionally, members of EMPIRE had been involved in the borough wide conference, by attending the National Care Leaver Forum in Manchester last month, where they were able to network with other Children in Council (CIC) from other boroughs, and meet with different teams in Croydon to emerge into their service plans.
A young person from EMPIRE had applied for the Champion National Chair Leavers Forum and was successful. She had benefited from public speaking to achieve this.
Members of EMPIRE had attended the black care experience in East London, which included discussions on how local authorities could get involved in signing the black pledge. This also raised cultural awareness.
Other activities included the world care day where different activities had taken place for various age groups, and the young people had really pushed themselves to various limits in the activities they were involved in.
EMPIRE also recently opened a music studio for young people to record short videos of ‘how to make quick meals’ etc. all videos were uploaded on their website. The music studio was based in South Croydon at the ‘Get Me to Work Recruitment Hub’. Some of the young people also engaged in podcasts which was recorded and not broadcast.
Members welcomed the progress of the work EMPIRE were engaged in. |
Update on Corporate Parenting Strategy Development A verbal update on the Corporate Parenting Strategy development. Minutes: The Corporate Parenting Panel received a verbal update from the Subject Matter Expert, Jane Scott in relation to the Corporate Parenting Strategy Development.
The Panel heard that there had been great responses to the workshops which aided to the draft report scheduled to go to the April Panel meeting.
Officers had also worked with the co-chair in part of the participation strategy. The service was mindful of the age of the proposed young person and how they would be selected, supported, and introduced to the space of the Panel, understanding process, and developing relationships with the Corporate Parenting Panel Chair.
Groundwork would reflect the spectrums of different positions to ensure the opportunities could be accessed to all, with support to those who expressed interest.
Officers was also gathering work to develop how the service could support other opportunities for young people. This included other work-based opportunities and the virtually college. This project would be worked alongside with Children in Care Council,16 plus managers and the Independent Reviewing Officers.
The Chair welcomed the update.
Health of Children Looked After A summary of the current position of Children Looked After Health provision for Croydon children and young people, and for children living in the borough of Croydon who may be the responsibility of other councils. Minutes: The Corporate Parenting Panel considered the Health of Children Looked After (CLA) report which provided an overview of the current position of Children Looked After Health provision for Croydon children and young people, and for children living in the borough of Croydon who may be the responsibility of other councils.The report further noted the activity over the last year and, outlined issues and barriers of good practice and progress, and sets out a plan for improving CLA health provision.
The Panel received a presentation from the Lead Commissioner, David Garland, who shared a brief description of the changes from a Clinical Commissioning Group to an Integrated Care System.
The Panel received a second presentation from the CLA Designated Health Professional, Dr Julia Simpson, who talked through the process and requirement for CLA Health Assessments for 0-18 year olds; a summary of concerns for resolution; and a summary of the Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health services that CLA and Care Experienced Adults had access to
In response to queries raised by the Panel, the CLA Designated Health Professional, Dr Julia Simpson, clarified the following:
- In relation to Covid-19 pandemic and the impact on wellbeing in conjunction with education, the Panel heard that not all the information was shared from the education department to fully understand the individual plans being addressed. The education plan was part of the health assessment and could be reassessed.
- In relation to why there was delays in the process of the first twenty days of the health assessment, the Panel heard that no consent to complete the assessment; Edge of Care working with family; having a missing young person; young person falling unwell to complete assessment; interpreters required; or a late referral meaning a late appointment set, may all factor into the cause for delays in completing a health assessment within the required twenty days. There was always a different narrative which was discussed at the monthly meetings. There was a much higher percentage of young people seen within twenty-four to twenty-five days if not twenty days.
- In relation to the role of the health champions, the Panel heard that the health champion would be either the team manager or service manager in Children Services who would attend the operational meetings and address any issues with the service or health assessments. The health champion would help to resolve the issue to relight on the impact of health assessments and ensure the health assessments was completed in the right way.
The Panel received a third presentation from the Senior Clinical Therapist, Kate Campbell, and Trainee Clinical Therapist Baber Siddiqi who shared what the Clinical Service offered for CLA young people.
The Panel heard positive feedback from the Independent Reviewing Officer Service in the value of the systemic training they had received; they also responded well to the change of pace in slowing down and having their own space which worked very well, which was a contract to being in the habit of working at ... view the full minutes text for item 16/23 |
Government response to the Care Review A verbal Government response to the Care Review Minutes: The Corporate Parenting Panel received a verbal update from the Director for Children’s Social Care in relation to the Government response to the Care Review.
The government had responded and issued a response in relation to the three reviews.
The response included offering a strategic way in working together, with a wide range of recommendations.
Additionally, there were other consultations for recruitment of agency workers and the impact of stable young people.
The reviews had now been completed.
The Chair welcomed the update. |
Children in Care Performance Scorecard The Children in Care Performance Scorecard for February 2023 is attached. Minutes: The Corporate Parenting Panel considered the Children in Care Performance Scorecard which provided an overview of the February month.
In response to queries raised by the Panel, the Head of Children in Care and Care Experienced Young People, Shaun Hanks, clarified that the snapshot highlighted the current amber rating for 16/17-year-olds who recently became looked after.</AI10>
The Panel welcomed the work completed across the service in aiming to keep all the current data in green rating.
How has the Panel helped Children in Care today? For the panel to consider how its work at the meeting will improve services for children in care. Minutes: The Panel collectively noted:
- That receiving the narrative of the children in care, such as their background, ethnicity, age, etc in the scorecard would benefit a better understand of children who were in Croydon’s care.
- The good transparency of work in children services. |
Exclusion of the Press and Public The following motion is to be moved and seconded where it is proposed to exclude the press and public from the remainder of a meeting:
“That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information falling within those paragraphs indicated in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended.”
Minutes: This was not required. |